Date and location tbd
Example Alpha Centennial Celebration
Celebrate 100 years of Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude with Example Alpha at the University of Example! This milestone reunion will unite brothers across generations to honor a century of shared values, lifelong bonds, and the transformative experiences that define our brotherhood.

Example Overview
This is an example of the alumni event page we are able to provide.
Here is text about giving an overview of the event, with some links that may be of interest. If an event has this page it can also be added to our Locate Map.
Example Schedule
- Casual Get-Together:
For early arrivals, a casual meet-up with available chapter members. Dinner on your own.
- Morning:
- Breakfast with Members:
Kick off the day with a breakfast gathering between alumni and current chapter members. - Campus/House Tours:
After breakfast, offer guided tours of the campus and fraternity house, highlighting key landmarks and historical aspects.
- Breakfast with Members:
- Afternoon:
- Lunch and/or Alumni-Member Activity:
Choose between lunch followed by an engaging alumni-member activity such as golf, networking, or a career workshop.
- Lunch and/or Alumni-Member Activity:
- Evening:
- Semi-Formal Dinner:
Host a semi-formal dinner featuring alumni, current members, and GHQ or campus professionals. - Casual Evening:
After dinner, alumni and members can gather for a relaxed evening event.
- Semi-Formal Dinner:
- Morning:
- Breakfast and Departures:
A farewell breakfast for those leaving.
- Breakfast and Departures:
- Evening:
- Chapter Meeting Open to Alumni:
For alumni still in town, offer the option to attend the chapter meeting.
- Chapter Meeting Open to Alumni:
Example Registration
Below is an example of what the registration will look like on this page. You will not need a separate link, allowing this page to be the single source of information about the event. Depending on the event and if a payment is required this same registration form can collect payment and be disbursed to the local event leaders before the event for meal or ticketed event costs.
Example Event Leaders
Here we could put information about the individuals who are leading the charge for this event with contact information.
Some events may have room blocks at hotels or need to provide instructions for travel. That can go here.