Brothers, we are halfway through the biennium, and I have been honored to serve this incredible Fraternity. Last year, I challenged all of us to continue to exemplify the Cardinal Principles of Phi Delta Theta as outlined in The Bond written and adopted by the Immortal Six over 175 years ago. Friendship, Sound Learning and Rectitude aren’t just words; they serve as the foundation of our Fraternity and a guide for every member as he navigates life. Specifically, may we continually seek opportunities to demonstrate our commitment to the third Cardinal Principle. Approaching even the toughest challenges with Rectitude can provide a measured perspective and offer solutions through values-based decision-making.
Leading with Rectitude
Every four years, fall semesters can bring a unique and sometimes challenging atmosphere to college campuses during election season. Phi Delta Theta believes in the protection of free speech and encourages civil political engagement and active participation in the democratic process. However, it is important to stress that your individual or political views do not reflect those of all our members and should be voiced separately from any collective Fraternity activity.
Phi Delta Theta prides itself on having a diverse membership, and our value of Rectitude encourages honorable character to everyone around us. We ask that any related discourse should be conducted in a calm, thoughtful, respectful and peaceful manner as you debate, listen and work to find common ground and seek resolution together. It is our duty to lead by example and, in my opinion, that’s the type of leadership the world needs. I’m confident that Phi Delts can and will answer the call.
Speaking of future leaders, the Fraternity hosted over 1,000 attendees at this summer’s Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute in early August 2024 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, the birthplace of Phi Delta Theta. I am continually impressed with the outstanding quality of our members, the thoughtful discussions, and the stories shared about the positive influence of our Phi Delta Theta members and chapters on campuses and in their communities across North America.
Impressively, 73 percent of all Phi Delt chapters received recognition through the chapter accreditation program, resulting in various awards for last year’s accomplishments. Specifically, we celebrated sixty-three Gold Star chapters who represent our top performing groups, recognized for their outstanding excellence on campus and in various areas of Fraternity management. I’m inspired by their achievements, as well as, by the forty-seven Silver Star and twenty-eight Bronze Star chapters who made significant efforts to improve and reach new heights.
As you approach this year, I encourage all chapters to set new goals and objectives while continually striving to achieve excellence. It’s not uncommon for chapters that best exemplify the principles of Phi Delta Theta to be consistently counted among our best groups. So, creating a rewarding member experience that is aligned with our values should be the top priority. This will assist in improving the quality, member satisfaction, and growth of the Fraternity.
Transmit Greatness
Related to growth, Phi Delta Theta is excited to announce a new initiative, Transmit Greatness, to expand the size and scope of our great Fraternity. The Fraternity has set an achievable goal to recruit 5,000 new members this year, just about 500 more than the 4,493 Phikeias that were recruited last year. A number of resources are available to provide chapters with the necessary support, training, and educational programming needed to be successful. The General Headquarters will work with groups to identify chapter challenge numbers, deploy recruitment advisors, and provide coaching. As a side, obtaining this type of soft skill will pay dividends in the future post-graduation given that it is often valued by future employers as a differentiating factor when hiring potential candidates.
To help meet the 5,000 Transmit Greatness recruitment goal, there are several new expansion projects currently underway for fall 2024 that could certainly make an impact including returns to Florida State University, Ohio State University, Rutgers University, and a new campus, Grand Valley State University. If you know of someone attending any of these schools or another where Phi Delta Theta is already established, please consider submitting a referral. Individual chapters will make final decisions regarding membership, but your recommendation is invaluable and could be the first step in their lifelong Phi Delt journey.
Our Fight Against ALS
Phi Delta Theta continues to make a meaningful impact in support those with ALS. During the 2023-24 school year, Phi Delt chapters collectively raised $1,227,550 through the Live Like Lou Foundation and Iron Phi, a 29 percent increase from last year’s total. Funds raised provide support for families affected by ALS, advance ALS research, increase awareness for the disease, and support leadership development within Phi Delta Theta. In an effort to bring additional attention to ALS outside our Fraternity, we are gearing up for the second Lou Gehrig Community Impact Team which annually recognizes the giving character and community impact of collegiate baseball players. This new award complements the Lou Gehrig Memorial Award that has been awarded to Major League Baseball players since 1955. Although these efforts are significant, there is still so much more to be done.
Tragically, our fight against ALS became even more personal when we learned that Todd Nisbet, General Council member-at-large, had recently been diagnosed with the disease. This news was devastating and deeply personal for Todd and his family but also for us, his Phi Delt family. We are doing everything we can to support Todd and rally around our brother during this challenging time and would like to ask for your help, as well, by issuing a new challenge for every member of Phi Delta Theta to do something to fight ALS through Live Like Lou or Iron Phi this year. Whether hosting an event to raise awareness, making donations, fundraising, becoming an Iron Phi, earning Triple Crown Chapter status, or volunteering to serve an ALS family, every bit matters. Fight On!

Be Your Brother’s Keeper
It’s critical to our future as a growing organization that new members are properly taught in a hazing-free environment about the foundation and purpose of our Fraternity in a way that is consistent regardless of chapter or campus. In doing so, they may effectively understand the importance of what they are joining and the responsibilities of membership for all Phi Delts. Announced in January at the 2024 McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference, the standardized Phikeia education program has been successfully launched with thirty-nine chapters fully implementing the new member program and an additional forty chapters who began to transition during the 2023-24 academic year.
The goal is to create consistency by unifying the Phikeia experience for all Phi Delta Theta members; in turn, this helps to set the cornerstone of member development. The program is built off our Cardinal Principles and focuses on enhancing the membership experience for each member. Promoting a best-in-class experience sets each Phi up for success, both within and outside of the chapter. If chapters adhere to the timeline, this should help address a critical time for the health and safety of new members.
Throughout the 2024-25 academic year, a series of webinars, specialized trainings, and robust communication strategies will be deployed to familiarize undergraduate and alumni leaders with the revised program and equip them with strategies to manage change within their chapters. Chapters that have implemented the standardized four-week process have seen higher retention of new members, and Phikeias have expressed satisfaction with their Phikeia experience. The condensed process has allowed chapters to recruit additional Phikeias later in the term and has given newly initiated members an opportunity to become involved through leadership positions earlier in their membership. Given the success of the rollout and positive feedback received, we have set a goal of full implementation in all chapters by August 2025. Chapters opting not to implement the program will encounter a series of disincentives, including an increase in annual risk management allocation cost, ineligibility to reach the Gold Star level through the Chapter Accreditation Program, and a potential limitation of social functions held by the chapter.
Each year, nearly 2,000 college students die from alcohol-related accidents and binge drinking is the major contributing factor to student injuries, deaths, sexual assaults, vehicle accidents, and hazing incidents. Phi Delta Theta has zero tolerance when it comes to these types of risky and unacceptable behaviors that are antithetical to our values and we continually strive to educate our members on ways to conduct chapter activities in a safe and responsible manner. Please take a moment to review Phi Delta Theta’s risk management policies, which include the alcohol-free housing policy.
As men of strong moral character, we are called to exemplify the principles upon which we were founded and that we, as Phi Delts, swear to uphold. We also have a duty to look out for one another. If you witness members of your chapter engaging in behavior that is illegal or in violation of Fraternity policies, it is up to you to step in and prevent it from happening.
Unfortunately, there are too many news stories each year featuring fraternities involved in hazing incidents that not only bring disgrace to their organizations but often result in needless psychological and physical harm, sometimes death. Not only has hazing been prohibited by every national fraternity and college campus for over thirty years, but it is also a crime in most states. Students who engage in such unacceptable activities are subject to arrest, prosecution and possible imprisonment.
However, you can make a difference. Studies have shown that students who stand up against hazing, binge drinking, sexual misconduct, and other illegal acts within their chapters can have a positive influence on their fellow brothers. It takes courage to step in to prevent a brother from drinking too much alcohol or to intervene to prevent their chapter from making bad decisions that violate campus and fraternity risk-management policies but ultimately, it’s about doing the right thing and, most importantly, protecting the health and safety of your brothers and guests.
Another Great Year Ahead!
Lastly, I want to thank my fellow General Council members Nat Love, Tom Balzer, Todd Nisbet and Mike Ogg, as well as, all the amazing Phi Delta Theta volunteers and General Headquarters staff for all they do for Phi Delta Theta. We have inherited an incredible gift through the countless Phis and supporters who have worked diligently to advance our great Fraternity. Now, it falls to us to carry forward and build upon that legacy.
I wish you all the best this year as you exemplify our Fraternity’s principles, strive for excellence, grow the Fraternity through Transmit Greatness, continue the fight against ALS and embody the greatest version of yourself. Have a great year and I look forward to seeing everyone at the 85th General Convention, June 19-22, 2025, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Proud to be a Phi!
Yours in the Bond,

J. David Almacy
President, General Council