Scroll for greatness
Since 1848
We are
Phi Delt.
No matter who you are, where you came from, or how you got here–your journey starts now. Welcome to becoming the greatest version of yourself.

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News and Stories
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Our Impact
The Foundation
The Phi Delta Theta Foundation exists to strengthen men for life by building on the tradition of our core values: Friendship, Sound Learning and Rectitude.
$7 million
Total scholarships and fellowships dollars awarded since 1962.
Annual donors who support the experience of every member.
$14 million
Grant dollars given for premiere leadership and educational programs.
400 +
Scholarships and grants awarded annually to Phi Delt members and alumni.
Famous Phis
Every Phi Delt’s journey to greatness is unique and meaningful. Sometimes, those journeys become legendary in their own right, even beyond our Brotherhood–meet the Famous Phis.
Explore 175 years of Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude
Discover Phi Delta Theta’s rich history.