
Aug 14, 2013

Phi Delta Theta Presents The Nance Millett Award To Dave Morin Of Path

The Scroll News
Phi Delta Theta Presents The Nance Millett Award To Dave Morin Of Path

On Tuesday, August 6, General Council President Chris Lapple and Executive Vice President Bob Biggs met with Dave Morin, Colorado ’03 to present him with the Nance Millett Free Enterprise Award.

Brother Morin is the Founder and CEO of Path Inc. that is located in San Francisco. During their meeting, they reviewed Phi Delta Theta’s strategic plan, Phi Delt 2020 and discussed the digital footprint of Phi Delta Theta and future uses of technology to keep the Fraternity competitive to meet the demands of student and alumni members. Brother Morin was honored at the 2012 General Convention when it was announced he was the recipient of the Nance Millett Free Enterprise Award for his entrepreneurship and business leadership in the technology arena.

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