
Jan 28, 2017

Texas Pi (Sam Houston State) Celebrates 25 Years With Anniversary Celebration

The Scroll News
Texas Pi (Sam Houston State) Celebrates 25 Years With Anniversary Celebration

The Texas Pi Chapter held its 25th anniversary reunion in Huntsville, Texas over the January 21st weekend. More than 200 Phis and their guests gathered and enjoyed a lunch program focused on the history of Phi Delta Theta in Texas and Huntsville. General Council President Jeff Davis served as a featured speaker and special guests included Joe Royce of the Phi Delta Theta Foundation, Huntsville, Texas Mayor Andy Brauninger and Dr. Leah Mulligan, Assistant Vice President of Sam Houston State University. Following Jeff Davis’ keynote address, Province President Russell Carman presented 21 brothers with their Silver Legion pins.

The brothers of Texas Pi wish to thank Bill Bailey and Russell Carman for their hard work to make the weekend great.

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