Duke Mooney of Missouri Alpha at the University of Missouri was identified by his chapter as a main driver behind the chapter’s effort to raise $17,678 during the 2023-24 school year and become an Iron Phi Chapter for the third time. Through his leadership, the chapter also earned Live Like Lou’s Triple Crown Award for the first time.
Duke proved that a small group of individuals within a chapter, working towards the same goal, and training for the same athletic event, can go a long way in building brotherhood, producing results, and doing a great thing for others. His leadership also helped him earn a $2,350 scholarship from the Phi Delta Theta Foundation.
In this feature, Brother Mooney shares insights from his Iron Phi experience that helped him lead his chapter to success.
What Phi Delt chapter officer positions have you held?
Philanthropy chairman
Approximately what percentage of your chapter was engaged with Iron Phi this past year?
What specific tactics did you use to motivate others to register for Iron Phi and begin their effort?
Those of us who committed to becoming Iron Phis started training together, and we picked a date to complete a MURPH workout together. Wearing a weighted vest, the MURPH workout is a challenge that starts with a one-mile run, followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats. The workout concludes with another one-mile run. We then built hype around it on campus and within the Fraternity.
For the individuals who had the most Iron Phi success, what common things did you see them do?
They stuck to their training, found a personal reason for why they wanted to raise money, and encouraged others to participate.
What other chapter benefits did you see that may have stemmed from a number of people succeeding with Iron Phi?
We saw a closer bond created amongst members, improved physical and mental health, and an increase in chapter involvement and connectivity.
What would you tell individuals or chapters who are worried about the fundraising component of becoming an Iron Phi or Iron Phi Chapter?
Most people who are worried about the fundraising aspect haven’t tried to be creative in their fundraising efforts. Host an event, expand your network, and be on the lookout for fundraising opportunities.
What personal lessons have you learned from your Iron Phi experience?
It is important to set goals and work towards something, or you end up unmotivated and chasing cheap thrills.
If members from your chapter have served an ALS family, what benefits have you seen from this service?
I think we have a greater understanding of how fortunate we are for our health and life situation, along with a greater desire to give back to the community.
To become an Iron Phi, visit www.ironphi.org to begin your journey.