
Sep 24, 2024

Donor Profile – Rocky Kmiecik

Phi Delta Theta Foundation
Donor Profile – Rocky Kmiecik

A Pillar of Support for the Phi Delta Theta Foundation

By Katie Rufener, Senior Director of Annual Giving and Advancement Communications

In the vast network of Phi Delta Theta alumni, some members stand out not just for their dedication during their undergraduate years but for their continued support and commitment to the fraternity long after they’ve graduated. One such exemplary brother is Rocky Kmiecik, Davison ’85, a name synonymous with passion, leadership, and unwavering support for the Phi Delta Theta Foundation.

Why Support the Foundation?

When asked about his motivation to support the Phi Delta Theta Foundation, Rocky’s response was filled with enthusiasm and a deep sense of responsibility. “I support the Foundation because it’s an awesome way to give back!” he exclaimed. For Rocky, the Foundation isn’t just an entity; it is the bedrock that ensures the longevity and vitality of Phi Delta Theta and the young men who are part of it. “The Foundation is ensuring the future of Phi Delta Theta and the young men that become our brothers for life. Without the giving from alumni, the Fraternity just couldn’t run or maintain the programs it runs at the levels it currently does. Giving to the Foundation is giving towards the future for all of us!”

This sentiment reflects Rocky’s understanding of the critical role that alumni contributions play in sustaining Phi Delt’s mission. His support is a testament to his belief that the values and lessons imparted by Phi Delta Theta are as relevant today as ever.

The Fraternity’s Relevance in Today’s World

“Phi Delta Theta is absolutely relevant today—even more so than when I was an undergrad!” Rocky emphasizes. In a world that is constantly evolving, the Fraternity’s programs provide young men with the tools they need to succeed in both their personal and professional lives. For Rocky, Phi Delta Theta’s teachings are timeless, preparing its members for the challenges of the future while fostering lifelong friendships. “The world would be a much better place if everyone could go through such a great learning experience coupled with the bonds of friendship for life,” he adds.

A Lifelong Brotherhood

Rocky Kmiecik’s connection to Phi Delta Theta has only deepened over the years. “I think I’m getting even more out of Phi Delta Theta now than I did in my youth,” he reflects. For him, the Fraternity is more than just a college experience; it’s a lifelong journey of growth, learning, and camaraderie. “These young men that I see joining our Fraternity give me genuine hope for the future of our nation. Every interaction I learn more, and it’s comforting to know that my Brothers will always be there for me.”

This enduring bond and the continued learning that comes with it are what keep Rocky engaged and active in the Fraternity’s community. His interactions with current members have only strengthened his belief in Phi Delt’s mission and its positive impact on society.

The Value of Leadership Programs

As a seasoned participant in both the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute and the McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference, Rocky Kmiecik has experienced firsthand the transformative power of these programs. “Just seeing the caliber of education that our Brothers receive at these events can easily convince you to support the Foundation,” he asserts.

Rocky speaks highly of the rigor and intensity of these programs, noting that they are not for the faint of heart. “Both events are first-class learning experiences. And trust me, they are serious about the teaching model with LONG days of full schedules. There’s no slack time there!” His dedication to these programs is evident as he expresses his commitment to attending future events and even aspires to contribute as a faculty member at the next Kleberg.

For Rocky, these leadership conferences are more than just educational opportunities; they are vital in shaping the future leaders of Phi Delta Theta and, by extension, the wider community. His advice to fellow brothers? “If you haven’t been, you need to contact the Foundation Staff ASAP and see if they can schedule you—you won’t be disappointed.”

A Legacy of Support and Leadership

Rocky Kmiecik’s story is one of dedication, leadership, and an unwavering commitment to the values of Phi Delta Theta. His contributions, both in time and resources, are paving the way for future generations of brothers to thrive. As a shining example of what it means to be a lifelong Phi, Rocky’s support ensures that the Fraternity remains a relevant and transformative force in the lives of its members for years to come.

For those considering ways to give back, Rocky’s journey serves as a powerful reminder that every contribution, no matter the size, plays a crucial role in sustaining the legacy and future of Phi Delta Theta.

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