
Discover Phi Delt conferences where we come together to gather, learn, grow, and become the greatest versions of ourselves.

General Convention
June 19 – 22, 2025 / Atlanta, GA

General Convention

Since 1951, Phi Delta Theta has hosted its biannual General Convention in varying locations. Conventions are celebrations of the Fraternity, the coming together of alumni, undergraduates, and special guests to enjoy and commemorate Phi Delta Theta’s successes and look toward the future. Convention offers a unique opportunity for Phis of all ages from many parts of the world to meet in the true spirit of the Bond, elect the Fraternity’s leaders, and consider legislative changes.

Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute
August 2-5, 2025 / Oxford, OH

Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute

Phi Delta Theta welcomes 1,000 Phis from across the United States and Canada to the Fraternity’s birthplace, Oxford, Ohio, each summer for the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute. Designed for young members of the Fraternity who aspire to one day lead their chapter, Kleberg is an amazing opportunity for members to learn more about Phi Delta Theta beyond the borders of their campus, develop relations with brothers from across the organization, and build the skills necessary to become a better leader and Phi.

McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference
January 4-7, 2024 / St. Louis, Mo

McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference

The success of Phi Delta Theta is strong leadership—leadership based upon our three Cardinal Principles. Therefore, the Fraternity and the Phi Delta Theta Foundation created the McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference (PLC) to develop leadership skills and train each chapter’s newly elected president. The Fraternity held the inaugural PLC in 2000 and, it remains a staple in the Fraternity’s educational programming efforts.

General Officers Conference
Feb 23 – 24 / Oklahoma City, OK

General Officers Conference

Volunteerism is at the heart of Phi Delta Theta, and the Fraternity’s general officers play a large role in the organization’s success. Each year, Phi Delta Theta’s general officers gather at the General Officers Conference (GOC) to discuss the health and well-being of the Fraternity. Education and discussion are the bedrock of the GOC.