Member Development

Create your ideal future.

The Pursuit of Greatness

Gain skills.
Stand out.
Seek greatness.

As a Phi Delta Theta undergraduate, your personal and professional potential will not be reached without developing vital interpersonal skills and career attributes desired by employers.

Because the classroom can fall short in developing these skills and attributes, Phi Delta Theta offers the Pursuit of Greatness, a self-navigated personal development experience that combines in-person educational experiences, credentialed online education, on-campus applied learning opportunities, and mentorship.

In-Person Educational Experiences

Phi Delta Theta’s in-person conferences offer world-class education on how to become a better leader.

Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute

Phi Delta Theta welcomes 1,000 Phis from across the United States and Canada to the Fraternity’s birthplace, Oxford, Ohio, each summer for the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute. Designed for young members of the Fraternity who aspire to one day lead their chapter, Kleberg is an amazing opportunity for members to learn more about Phi Delta Theta beyond the borders of their campus, develop relations with brothers from across the organization, and build the skills necessary to become a better leader and Phi.
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McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference

The success of Phi Delta Theta is strong leadership—leadership based upon our three Cardinal Principles. Therefore, the Fraternity and the Phi Delta Theta Foundation created the McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference (PLC) to develop leadership skills and train each chapter’s newly elected president. The Fraternity held the inaugural PLC in 2000 and, it remains a staple in the Fraternity’s educational programming efforts.
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General Convention

Since 1951, Phi Delta Theta has hosted its biannual General Convention in varying locations. Conventions are celebrations of the Fraternity, the coming together of alumni, undergraduates, and special guests to enjoy and commemorate Phi Delta Theta’s successes and look toward the future. Convention offers a unique opportunity for Phis of all ages from many parts of the world to meet in the true spirit of the Bond, elect the Fraternity’s leaders, and consider legislative changes.
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Regional Province Retreats

With the help of the Fraternity’s regional volunteers (province presidents), province retreats are hosted on campus throughout North America, bringing together chapter leaders from local Phi Delt chapters. At the province retreats, participants are able to create supportive relationships, learn about important fraternal topics to apply at their chapter, and gather best practices from peers. Looking for details on province retreats? Find all the information you need in myPhiDelt!

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Online Education

Phi Delta Theta realizes that education does not only occur in the classroom or at in-person conferences. With this in mind, the Ihlenfeld University for Online Education (PDT U), the Fraternity’s online education platform was developed, using technology to further educate its membership.

Credly-Certified Badges

  • Professional Greatness
  • Personal Greatness

Certifications & Credits

  • Chapter Officer Training
  • Chapter Advisory Board Training
  • Phikeia Education (New Members)

On-Demand Presentations

  • Bystander Education
  • Six Point Wellness Plan
  • Prevention Education
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Leadership Training

On-Campus Applied Learning Opportunities

The local Phi Delt experience offers an immersion into group living, campus life, organizational management, goal development, and execution of activities and events, all while having great fun.

Chapter Officer Positions

Phi Delta Theta undergraduates have the opportunity to run for and fill a variety of chapter officer and committee positions, leading efforts to enhance an area of the chapter’s operations.

Brotherhood & Mentorship

The power of brotherhood is realized in the relationships created and strengthened with other Phi Delts. Access to peer and alumni mentorship guides the Fraternity’s members through college and life and is the backbone of the organization.

Campus Involvement

Phi Delta Theta challenges its members to become engaged with their campus communities, taking advantage of opportunities to work with and learn from fellow students around shared interests. Phi Delts are known for being very involved on campus.

Group Leadership

Through goal setting, teamwork, execution of operations, and problem solving, Phi Delts have the opportunity to learn the valuable skills needed to work effectively with others while remaining accountable to shared values.

Service & Philanthropy

Members of Greek organization are known for their service to their communities and philanthropic efforts. Phi Delta Theta is no different and takes great pride in its members’ support of their community and greater causes.

Group Living

In many cases, members of Phi Delta Theta have the opportunity to live with their Fraternity brothers in a chapter house or other property, and learn about group living, initiative, shared responsibility, and property upkeep.