Largest Kleberg in History
The 2024 Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute marked the largest in-person gathering the Fraternity has ever hosted. With nearly 1,000 students in Oxford, Ohio, nearly 200 more than 2023, we are proud of the record number of emerging leaders. This growth reflects our commitment to fostering leadership, camaraderie, and the enduring spirit of Phi Delta Theta.

Award Winning Chapters
Congratulations to our 2024 Trophy Winners!
George E. Housser Trophy
Ontario Alpha, University of Toronto
Honorable Mention: Nova Scotia Alpha, Dalhousie University
Kansas City Trophy
Indiana Gamma, Butler University
Honorable Mention: Texas Gamma, Southwestern University
Founders Trophy
Kansas Delta, Wichita State University
Honorable Mention: Michigan Zeta, Central Michigan University
Oxford Trophy
Nebraska Alpha, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Honorable Mention: Colorado Gamma, Colorado State University

Nance-Millett Awarded to Gary Norcross
Given to the Fraternity in 1980 by Brothers James J. Nance, Ohio Wesleyan 1923, and Dr. John D. Millett, DePauw ’33, the Nance-Millett Free Enterprise Award recognizes a Phi who has made an outstanding contribution to the free enterprise system. This year, Phi Delta Theta recognized Brother Gary Norcross, Arkansas ’87, as the 2024 recipient of the Nance-Millett Award.

Largest Iron Phi 5K Attendance
In 2010, Phi Delta Theta launched Iron Phi. This program provides members with an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the battle against Lou Gehrig’s disease. To accomplish this, they must complete an athletic challenge and raise a minimum of $1,000 from their family and friends. Over 2,240 Phi Delts and friends have successfully become Iron Phis, raising a total of $4.54 million. Every year at Kleberg, several Phis begin their Iron Phi journey by running a 5K to raise awareness for ALS. This year’s Iron Phi 5K had over 180 participants!

Supporting the City of Oxford
Each year, Phi Delta Theta brings significant support to the City of Oxford during the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute, particularly through the conference’s uptown lunch program. This year, our students contributed to the local economy by enjoying a total of 1,560 meals at Oxford’s beloved local restaurants. Skipper’s restaurant was a Phi favorite, serving 239 meals over the two days, followed closely by OxVegas Chicken, a newcomer with 235 meals. Sohi wasn’t far behind, with 225 meals served. This strong turnout demonstrates our commitment to supporting Oxford’s local businesses and fostering a positive relationship between the fraternity and local communities.

New Interactive Tour of Elliott Hall
This year, attendees had the unique opportunity to step back in time with an exclusive tour of the Founders Room in Elliott Hall. This historic site is where the Immortal Six of Phi Delta Theta came together on December 26, 1848, to establish the Fraternity. Walking through the very room where our brotherhood began allowed attendees to connect deeply with our rich history, gaining a profound appreciation for the legacy that continues to inspire us today.
Over $88,000 in Scholarships Awarded
This year, at Shaffer Honors College of Leadership, seventy exemplary undergraduate members were awarded the prestigious Whole Man Scholarship, totaling $88,602.31 in scholarships. These scholarships not only recognized their achievements but also provided them with the opportunity to attend the Shaffer Honors College of Leadership, held concurrently with the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute in Oxford, Ohio. The Shaffer Honors College is a 400-Level Leadership Experience where recipients have the unique privilege of learning from accomplished Phi Delt alumni and volunteers, gaining insights that will shape their future leadership journeys.

Knights of Pallas Donors
A challenge was set during the conference to see which small group chapter could gain the most new Knights of Pallas members, and the response was inspiring. Through gifts of $18.48 or more, undergraduates can become a Knights of Pallas member. Dollors raised through Knights of Pallas contribute to programming and scholarships that strengthen the brotherhood. At this year’s Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute, 213 students demonstrated their commitment to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation by contributing a remarkable $4,453.77 to the Knights of Pallas program.