This week our blog series will feature a variety of Phi Delta Theta Foundation Donors, highlighting various categories and opportunities Phi Delta Theta has for members and alumni to give back.
Today, a Phi Delta Theta Foundation Trustee will share his story. Foundation Trustees are individuals who have shown their dedication to Phi Delta Theta throughout the years and are invited to sit on the Board of Trustees. They provide the vision for the Phi Delta Theta Foundation and bring their shared expertise and knowledge to the table. Brother Mike Fimiani, South Florida ’89, became a Phi Delta Theta Foundation Trustee in July of 2006.
“The Fraternity has been a major part of my life since the day I pledged in the Fall of 1985. I was active in my chapter and served in several roles including president. Upon graduation, I volunteered as a chapter adviser, province president and eventually now as a Foundation Trustee. Most of my extremely close friends are from my days at Florida Epsilon. In addition, as a volunteer I now have many more close friends that serve the Fraternity as General Council members, volunteers and headquarters staff. The Fraternity shaped my college experience in the most positive way possible through the friends I made and the leadership and management skills I developed while running the chapter. To this day I stay in touch with dozens of chapter brothers and at most events back on campus my pledge class usually has the most in attendance. It was and still is a very tight group of guys.”

“Because I had such and positive experience in school and now as an alumni volunteer it causes me to want to give back both with my time and donations to the Fraternity. Phi Delta Theta ranks as the highest priority in my philanthropic giving. I see how hard the headquarters staff works to put together great programs for the undergraduates to attend and benefit from. When I was an undergraduate, we had no idea the amount of time and effort the headquarters staff put into the Fraternity. Now that I have seen it firsthand, it makes me even more enthusiastic about supporting our great Fraternity. I encourage all Brothers to give what they can to support the Fraternity.”