Adam Davis, Butler ’14, recently graduated from medical school and will start family medical residency at the IU Health Ball Medical Hospital in Muncie, Indiana in July 2019. Elected to serve on the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP), Adam served for the past two academic years. The COSGP is a national organization composed of two student government delegates from each osteopathic medical school in the United States. The roughly 100 delegates meet quarterly to represent the student voice for the 31,000 osteopathic medical students and to share best practices to better medical education and the profession as a whole.
Previously, Adam was elected to serve as COSGP National Treasurer for the 2017–2018 school year. During that time, he developed a student-to-student guide to personal finance to be distributed to all 31,000 osteopathic medical students. He then served as the National Clinical Education Representative who chairs the Medical Education Committee and served as one of four student liaisons to the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), a role where he collected best practices for medical school curricula.
Upon completion of his residency, Adam hopes to provide medical care to the rural underserved communities of Indiana. During his time in medical school, Dr. Davis served as the Chapter Advisory Board adviser for philanthropy and service for Indiana Gamma.