After completing his undergraduate education in 1995, Dr. Adam H. Beckett, Missouri ’95, joined the US Marine Corps. After four years, he ultimately completed his service and attained the title of rifle platoon commander. Afterward, from 1999 to 2003, he went to medical school to become a doctor specializing in emergency medicine. After graduating, when not practicing emergency medicine in the United States, he enjoyed volunteering abroad.
During one of these ventures, volunteering amidst the 2010 disaster in Haiti, Adam saw the need for a centralized network to more strongly unite people engaged in this type of work. Equipped with military experience and a skill set in medicine, he set out to create Global First Responder (GFR).
GFR officially became a nonprofit organization in 2015. Years later, its goal remains to recruit and build teams for international relief work. GFR seeks to provide health care delivery, health education, disaster relief assistance, and community improvements.

Currently, Global First Responder is in Chișinău, Moldova, helping provide medical and other services to Ukrainian refugees fleeing from the conflict in their country and local Moldova citizens. A team has been going to Moldova every three to four months since the conflict started two years ago. The nonprofit has evolved to maximize the assistance it can offer communities in need and has partnered with nonprofits and NGOs worldwide. These partnerships help open doors to getting the approvals required, helping to get into difficult areas, and providing the greatest number of services possible.
As an organization founded on helping as many people as possible, combined with a strong work ethic, GFR has gained a good reputation that has opened doors to many locations. They recently built a community center in the Amazon and finished it in one week due to the expertly trained volunteers. On previous visits they built a school and clinic.
Adam enjoys the work he does and appreciates the people he has had the opportunity to work in partnership with or in service to. This extends to fellow chapter brothers who volunteer their time and treasure to support GFR. On a recent trip, Missouri Alpha was represented by his two brothers, Daniel Beckett,’99, Andrew Beckett, ’06, and chapter brothers Mike Ruesler, ’15, and Micah Anderson, ’22. Mike has recently joined the board of directors, and both men have traveled on multiple trips to support the mission of GFR.
If you are looking for an adventure, a service project and to make a difference for those in need, please consider volunteering or donating with Global First Responder. Visit to learn more about the humanitarian work GFR provides.

Who from your chapter inspired you? Have you ever told them that?
My father, Bruce Beckett, ’69, and uncles, Wilson Beckett, Berkeley ’68, and Robert Ewing, ’69, were Phis and very involved as volunteers throughout their lives. It inspired all three of my younger brothers and I to join. The lifelong connections I’ve made have gone beyond friendship; my fellow brothers have volunteered and donated to help Global First Responder make a real impact on people in need worldwide.
I was in the right place at the right time at Missouri Alpha. I learned important lessons that continue to influence me today. Because of my father’s involvement in the chapter, I followed in his footsteps and joined the US Marine Corps, as did my three younger brothers. I followed in his footsteps and joined the US Marine Corps, as did my three younger brothers, Matt, ’96, Daniel, ’99, and Andrew, ’06.
Most recently, my father donated a water filtration plant to a rural village in India before he died. The local people dedicated it to my father in a ceremony and had his photo erected at the site.
What is your most memorable experience or moment from Phi Delta Theta?
I lived in the house all four years, leading to strong bonds with my Phikeia class and brothers from other years. One of the most memorable moments was very recently when our Missouri Alpha brothers named the chapter room after my father, Bruce Beckett, for his lifelong service and commitment to Missouri Alpha.
How have you stayed connected with Phi Delta Theta after graduation?
As vice president I relied on our volunteers, men like my father and uncle. Keeping the tradition going, my brothers and I continue to stay involved with Missouri Alpha by volunteering. We are proud to see how well the chapter is doing: number one on campus in grades and the largest fraternity at Mizzou. I’ve stayed connected with many Phis from Missouri Alpha and always look forward to seeing them often at Mizzou football Saturdays.
Do you have any advice for current students?
Living in the house for your entire Fraternity experience (or most of it) will solidify and strengthen The Bond of Phi Delta Theta that will last for the rest of your life. These brothers will be there for you just as you will be there for them. Also, travel the world. Experiencing other cultures and meeting new people will teach you a lot, including how lucky you are to be born in a country with the liberties the US has. Finally, we should seek out opportunities to serve and assist others in need. There are many folks who need assistance, and it’s our duty to look out for our fellow global citizens.