
Feb 26, 2024

Dominic G. DiMascio named Arthur R. Priest Recipient

Phi Delta Theta Foundation The Scroll News
Dominic G. DiMascio named Arthur R. Priest Recipient

The Phi Delta Theta Foundation is pleased to announce Dominic G. DiMascio, Akron, ’24, as the recipient of the 2023 Arthur R. Priest award.

The Arthur R. Priest award is the Foundation’s most prestigious scholarship and is awarded to the undergraduate member who scores the highest based on merit and exemplary character.

Dominic is an honors student majoring in sports business with a marketing minor and plans to pursue a professional selling certificate. He hopes to work for a professional sports organization in a marketing or operations department.

He maintained the Cardinal Principles of Phi Delta Theta as his chapter’s vice president.

How has your leadership style adapted while in college and Phi Delta Theta?

During my collegiate years, I experienced a significant enhancement in my leadership abilities, partly due to my involvement with Phi Delta Theta. Serving as vice president, new member educator, and Iron Phi coordinator, I nurtured a skill set that proved invaluable beyond the Fraternity’s walls. My initiative to establish the Student Analytics and Business Association (SABA) was a direct application of the leadership prowess I cultivated within Phi Delta Theta. This growth has instilled confidence in my ability to steer and manage organizations, an asset I am certain will serve me well in my professional life post-graduation.

You’ve attended Kleberg and General Convention. What would you tell younger Phis about these opportunities?

The privilege of attending both Kleberg and General Convention afforded me rich networking opportunities and exposed me to a wealth of diverse perspectives and ideas. These experiences have equipped me to contribute innovative strategies for improving my home chapter. I would encourage every Phi to experience one of these events at least once within their collegiate career.

Who’s a Phi you’d like to thank?

None of my achievements within Phi Delta Theta or on campus would have been possible without the support of my brother, Andrew Martin. More than a brother, he was a roommate and a beacon of leadership. His tenure as president during my vice presidency was inspirational. The esteem he commanded and his dedication set a benchmark for the type of leader I aspired to become. My gratitude is boundless for all the cherished memories, advice, and unwavering motivation he has provided. Andrew exemplifies the quintessence of a true Phi, and I am forever thankful for that.

“As vice president of Ohio Epsilon, I’m constantly leading by example and setting a positive tone for the Fraternity. Showing up to meetings and events on time, taking initiative, and demonstrating a strong work ethic. In addition, I like to hold myself and others accountable for meeting the expectations set forth by the executive board. I work with other executive board members to establish clear goals and expectations for the Fraternity and communicate these goals to the rest of the members to ensure everyone understands what it means to be a member of Ohio Epsilon. By demonstrating effective leadership as vice president, I can help create a positive and inclusive environment for members and ensure the sustainability and longevity of achieving our goals.

I will uphold Friendship by fostering strong relationships with my colleagues and teammates, showing genuine interest in their lives, and supporting them in their personal and professional endeavors. I will encourage a positive and inclusive workplace culture by treating everyone respectfully and creating opportunities for team building and social activities. I will uphold Sound Learning by continuously seeking to improve my skills and knowledge through professional development opportunities, such as attending conferences and training sessions. Recommending others to explore learning opportunities and share my knowledge and expertise with my colleagues. Finally, I will uphold Rectitude by setting a high ethical standard for myself and my organization by adhering to the values of honesty, integrity, and fairness. I will also hold myself and others accountable for their actions and work to promote a culture of transparency and trust. I would also like to be heavily involved in the alumni club to give future Phi Delts donations and knowledge that I have received from the current alumni club. Overall, by embodying the Cardinal Principles of Phi Delta Theta, I can positively impact my workplace and contribute to the success of my future professional sports organization.”

Please join Phi Delta Theta in congratulating Dominic on this achievement and wishing him the best in his future endeavors!

The Foundation’s goal is to award $10,000 annually to an exceptional student with this scholarship. You can contribute to this goal or any scholarship award by visiting

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