More than 200 New York Zeta Phis celebrated the Centennial anniversary of Phi Delta Theta’s chartering at Colgate University on January 27, 2018 at the Union League Club in New York City. The event brought together one-fifth of New York Zeta’s alumni and active membership in the largest gathering of New York Zeta Phis in history. The attendees included 43 brothers from the active chapter at Colgate who traveled four hours by bus to New York City to participate. Guest speakers included General Council Treasurer Chris Brussalis and Colgate University President Brian Casey who both offered their hearty congratulations to the chapter. Also present were Phi Delta Theta’s Chief Operating Officer Sean Wagner and Colgate’s Dean of the College Paul McLoughlin. Throughout the evening, brothers took red carpet photos with their classmates in front of a Phi Delta Theta banner, signed their names on a Bond Number board that will be displayed at the chapter house, tested their knowledge with a New York Zeta trivia quiz, and enjoyed the company of a room full of friends.

New York Zeta Alumni Corporation President Bruce Clayton ’89 was presented with Phi Delta Theta’s Distinguished Alumnus Award at the event. Clayton also announced the launch of the public phase of a fund raising campaign to raise $300,000 for the New York Zeta Fund to be used for need-based scholarships for New York Zeta members. The New York Fund is a chapter endowment fund within the Phi Delta Theta Foundation. During the private phase of this campaign, $168,000 was raised in leadership gifts and gift pledges which represents 56% of the campaign goal. Clayton said “the chapter’s alumni and undergraduate leaders share a vision to move New York Zeta towards being need-blind in membership fees for all brothers with demonstrated financial need – keeping pace with the aid students receive from Colgate today to ensure that everyone who receives a bid has the access and opportunities to join the Fraternity. Being a brother in Phi Delta Theta should not be restrained in any way based on whether one can afford to pay to join our organization.”

According to New York Zeta’s Centennial Chairman Bart Hale ’04, “The evening was a triumph for Phi Delta Theta. It was amazing to see so many New York Zeta Phis come together to share stories, celebrate 100 years of history at Colgate, and renew our common bonds in the fraternity.”
Photo Credits to Nahuel Fanjul-Arguijo