During the 2023-24 school year, Phi Delta Theta chapters collectively raised $1,227,550 to support ALS through the Live Like Lou Foundation and Iron Phi. The total amount raised represents a 29 percent increase from last year’s total, showing great momentum in the Fraternity’s efforts to leave ALS better than we found it and develop philanthropists within its ranks. Funds raised provide support for families affected by ALS, advance ALS research, increase awareness for the disease, and support leadership development within Phi Delta Theta.
In 2023, the Live Like Lou Foundation introduced the Triple Crown Award for Phi Delta Theta chapters. The award is named in honor of Brother Lou Gehrig, Columbia 1925. In Major League Baseball, the Triple Crown is a difficult feat to achieve, as a player must lead either the American League or National League in batting average, home runs, and RBIs. Only fourteen players have achieved this feat, including Lou Gehrig, who won the Triple Crown in 1934.
With the Triple Crown as its inspiration, Live Like Lou created a prestigious award that recognizes chapters that excel in supporting the Live Like Lou Foundation’s mission through meaningful engagement. To achieve this recognition, a chapter must complete the following:
- Register to serve an ALS family.
- Become an Iron Phi Chapter – Minimum of $10,000 raised through the chapter’s Iron Phi participants during the academic year.
- Generate awareness and support for Lou Gehrig’s disease by hosting a chapter philanthropy event that contributes $444 or more to the Live Like Lou Foundation.
Live Like Lou awarded the Triple Crown Award to twenty-nine Phi Delta Theta chapters for the 2023-24 school year, up from twenty-four last year. Along the way, 142 Phi Delta Theta chapters registered to serve an ALS family through Live Like Lou’s Connect & Serve program, providing meaningful service to ALS families and learning about the disease first-hand through their interactions.

Congratulations to our Triple Crown Chapters
Alabama Beta, Auburn University
Arizona Alpha, University of Arizona
California Phi, Chapman University
Colorado Alpha, University of Colorado Boulder
Colorado Gamma, Colorado State University
Florida Iota, University of Central Florida
Florida Kappa, Florida International University
Georgia Alpha, University of Georgia
Indiana Gamma, Butler University
Indiana Theta, Purdue University
Kansas Alpha, University of Kansas
Kansas Delta, Wichita State University
Kansas Gamma, Kansas State University
Kentucky Iota, University of Louisville
Missouri Alpha, University of Missouri
Missouri Beta, Westminster College
Nebraska Alpha, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Nebraska Gamma, Creighton University
New Jersey Gamma, Seton Hall University
New York Lambda, St. John’s University
Ohio Epsilon, The University of Akron
South Carolina Beta, University of South Carolina
South Carolina Gamma, Clemson University
Texas Delta, Southern Methodist University
Texas Zeta, Texas Christian University
Utah Alpha, University of Utah
Virginia Eta, Virginia Tech
Washington Alpha, University of Washington
Washington Delta, University of Puget Sound
Iron Phi
Just as Lou Gehrig lived his remarkable life, Iron Phi participants embody the spirit of determination, resilience, and courage. Through participants’ efforts to achieve unique and personal athletic endeavors, Iron Phi is building a community of philanthropists who strive to leave ALS better than they found it while strengthening the Fraternity’s leadership programs.
Made up of individuals, Phi Delta Theta chapter members, friends and family of Phi Delts, and ALS advocates as diverse as their interests, Iron Phis have raised $4.54 million since the program’s inception in 2010. The Iron Phi program serves as a fitting tribute to Lou Gehrig’s legacy and his impact on both Phi Delta Theta and the fight against ALS.
From July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, the Iron Phi program once again saw records broken.

2023-24 Iron Phi Awards
In the spirit of Lou’s resilience and gratitude, we are honored to share this year’s top Iron Phi individuals and chapters.

Congratulations to our Iron Phi Chapters
Iron Phi Chapters raise a minimum of $10,000 through the chapter’s Iron Phi participants during the school year.
Alabama Beta, Auburn University
Arizona Alpha, University of Arizona
California Upsilon, California State University, Fresno
California Phi, Chapman University
Colorado Alpha, University of Colorado Boulder
Colorado Gamma, Colorado State University
Florida Iota, University of Central Florida
Florida Kappa, Florida International University
Florida Omicron, Nova Southeastern University
Georgia Alpha, University of Georgia
Indiana Gamma, Butler University
Indiana Theta, Purdue University
Indiana Kappa, Ball State University
Kansas Alpha, University of Kansas
Kansas Delta, Wichita State University
Kansas Gamma, Kansas State University
Kentucky Iota, University of Louisville
Missouri Alpha, University of Missouri
Missouri Beta, Westminster College
Missouri Zeta, Southeast Missouri State University
Nebraska Alpha, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Nebraska Gamma, Creighton University
New Jersey Gamma, Seton Hall University
New York Lambda, St. John’s University
Ohio Epsilon, The University of Akron
Ohio Lambda, Kent State University
South Carolina Beta, University of South Carolina
South Carolina Gamma, Clemson University
Texas Delta, Southern Methodist University
Texas Zeta, Texas Christian University
Utah Alpha, University of Utah
Virginia Eta, Virginia Tech
Washington Alpha, University of Washington
Washington Delta, University of Puget Sound
We Do it for Lou
Phi Delta Theta would like to thank those who have contributed to our chapters’ philanthropic successes this year. Your support is making a difference in the world of ALS and is helping our members become the greatest versions of themselves.
We encourage members of Phi Delta Theta to help us leave ALS better than we found it. The Live Like Lou Foundation is always searching for Phi Delts of all ages to serve ALS families in their communities through its Connect and Serve program. See the list of ALS families for whom we are seeking volunteers. Are you interested in using your athletic abilities and goals to support the ALS cause? Become an Iron Phi to make a lasting impact on both ALS and Phi Delta Theta.