On April 6, 2024, the Connecticut Delta Emerging Chapter at Eastern Connecticut State University was officially installed as a chapter of Phi Delta Theta, making history as the 300th chapter installed.
General Council President J. David Almacy presented the twenty-five initiates their charter in-front of a crowd of family, friends, and other local chapters. Supporting the General Council President were General Headquarters staff members Director of Chapter Support Emily Wolfzorn, Chapter Support Coordinator Ian Zimmerman, and Digital Strategy Coordinator Timmy Paul. Also in attendance, Province President Steven W. Lyon, Ball State ’85, and Connecticut Delta Chapter Advisory Board Chair John Thiell, Kettering ’88, and undergraduates from the University of Connecticut and Central Connecticut State came to show support.
“We couldn’t fathom how this one decision would shape the rest of our college experience. I couldn’t be more proud to associate myself with such a prestigious and welcoming organization, and to call my fellow chapter members brothers.”
Paul LaMadeleine, ECSU ’25
Rich Aubin, Connecticut Delta’s president, accepted the chapter’s charter and gave recognition to all of the time spent by each member to help build the foundation of their chapter. Rich, along with brothers Paul LaMadeleine, Trent Kology, and Zachary Coty, started the Phi Delt interest group as freshmen in 2021.

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