Brother Joseph W. Royce was initiated into Phi Delta Theta by the Texas Gamma Chapter at Southwestern University in 1961. Since graduating from the University of Texas Law School in 1966, he has practiced in Houston in the following fields: estate planning, family wealth protection, and transfer, administration of estates and trusts, and the operation of private foundations.
Joe has supported Phi Delta Theta Foundation for twenty-five years. In 2012, Joe attended the General Convention in Washington D.C. This Convention was an eye-opener for Joe because he came to understand the dedication of Fraternity staff and volunteers to the continuous improvement of the Fraternity. Since then, he has attended the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Conference, McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference, and numerous other programs.
Joe was an early advocate of retaining Phi Delta Theta ownership and autonomy of its property at Texas Gamma when the tide was changing to university ownership of Greek housing. He saw that House Corporation ownership of the Chapter house would have the benefit of keeping rent lower for Chapter members than it would be at university-owned housing, lessening college expenses for students and their families. His foresight has set his Chapter up for continued success.
Joe is an active member of the Houston Alumni Club and received the Raymond L. Gardner Alumnus of the Year Award at the Savannah Convention in 2016.
In addition to his activities as a Trustee of Phi Delta Theta Foundation, Joe is a managing director of Retina Research Foundation in Houston, a member of the Advisory Council of The Briscoe Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin, and a trustee of certain private charitable foundations in Houston.
Southwestern '63
Joe Royce

About Joe