
Lydia Mainzer

Live Like Lou Communications Specialist

About Lydia Mainzer

Lydia Mainzer joined the Live Like Lou team in early 2024. As the Communications Specialist, she manages the organization’s social media, communications calendar, website, store, and brand. Having lost a family friend to ALS, Lydia brings passion, experience, and a personal connection to Live Like Lou’s mission.

Previously, Lydia worked in marketing operations and project management, leading social media, eCommerce, content development, and marketing strategy. Her prior professional experience includes newspaper reporting, nonprofit leadership, and marketing management. A graduate of The University of Akron, she was active on campus with Alpha Delta Pi, campus radio, and TV station.

Lydia is an active community member and volunteer in Medina County. She has coached Revere Middle School’s speech and debate team since 2019, volunteered for 4-H on the state and county level, and has served Alpha Delta Pi as a member of the Akron Alumnae house corporation board, the Akron Alumnae Association and as the Panhellenic Relations Advisor for Oakland University.