
Oct 6, 2024

Undergraduate Profile – Ben Brown, Rogers State ’25

The Scroll - Articles
Undergraduate Profile – Ben Brown, Rogers State ’25

What is your academic background and major? 

I am a junior at Rogers State University majoring in IT: multimedia and software development. 

Can you describe your extracurricular activities and any leadership roles you’ve held? 

I am very involved on campus as I am in the Honors Program, the campus activities team, and the captain of the Rocket League eSports team, but none of them mean or have done as much for me as being president of the Oklahoma Epsilon chapter of Phi Delta Theta. 

How would you define brotherhood? 

Brotherhood is creating a true caring bond for one another that lasts for life. Brotherhood is counting on someone to always have your back and come to your aid when in need. Brotherhood is having someone who truly loves you and challenges you to become the greatest version of yourself every single day. 

How has Phi Delta Theta helped you become the greatest version of yourself? How can we continue to help you? 

Phi Delta Theta has helped me become the greatest version of myself in so many different ways. I have gained brothers for life who I know will always have my back and always push me to do greater. I have learned some imperative leadership skills that I will be able to use for the rest of my life. I have learned and lived the truth that one man is no man, and life gets so much easier with a group of brothers surrounding you. 

Could you tell us about a brother that has inspired you? 

As we just got our charter last year, I am only the second president. Someone who truly has inspired me is our first president, Matthew Garrison. He embodies the values of Phi Delta Theta and gave so much to our chapter. He inspired me to work hard in everything I do and understand why our brotherhood is so important. 

What was the hardest point of your college journey, and why did you decide to stay with Phi Delta Theta through it? 

The hardest point in my college journey was, by far, the first semester of my junior year. The summer before, directly after being elected as chapter president, I was diagnosed with B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. My whole world completely flipped on its head, and I was forced to step back from everything and focus on myself. While it was a very long, hard process, there was not a single time that I did not have one of my brothers reaching out and seeing if there was anything they could do to help. It was a great way to help me stay motivated and continue fighting as hard as possible. 

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