Thank you for your lifelong engagement to Phi Delta Theta!
Once a Phi Delt, always a Phi Delt. The bonds created at the beginning of membership are designed to sustain each person through every stage of life, keeping all connected through peer-to-peer relationships and via valuable mentor/mentee networking and intergenerational sharing of wisdom. Phi Delta Theta prides itself on having an incredible network of dedicated alumni and supporters who dedicate their time to give back to the organization. A lifelong commitment to the Fraternity by volunteers enables members to become the greatest version of themselves.
Meet James D. Warner, Akron ’70—a dedicated Phi Delta Theta volunteer and lifelong advocate for the fraternal experience.
A proud graduate of the University of Akron, Jim, has been actively volunteering with Phi Delta Theta since 2000. His commitment and leadership have earned him several, including the Outstanding Province President Award (2012), the Legion of Merit (2021).
In 2025, Jim and his wife, Winnie, received the prestigious Wilford A. Butler Award from the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values (AFLV). This honor recognizes fraternity and sorority alumni who go above and beyond to enhance and accelerate progress within the fraternal community.

Why did you join Phi Delt and what impact has it had on your life and career?
When I entered the University of Akron, I was an only child. I pledged Phi Delta Theta in the spring of 1968, and by the time I was initiated in January 1969, I had seventy-five brothers—talk about a learning curve! My first elected position in Phi Delt was social chair, which allowed me to plan grand parties, invite sorority women, and hire bands—what an assignment! I enjoyed the position so much that I have been our Phi Delt alumni social chair emeritus for over fifty years. Through planning these events, I have met many wonderful people over the years, and many of them became friends, brothers, and clients.
What is your most memorable experience or moment from Phi Delta Theta?
My most memorable experience was my first visit to Mother Oxford. That visit made it clear to me that Phi Delta Theta is a far bigger organization than my local chapter, which is not the center of the Phi universe. Any Phi, young or old, who has not taken part in the Phi Oxford journey cannot begin to understand the legacy our Fraternity represents.
How have you stayed connected with Phi Delta Theta after graduation?
As an undergrad, I recall learning that you are a Phi for life, and I have always done my best to follow that mantra. I am surprised by the number of brothers I have met over the years who in my mind misspeak and say, “I was a Phi Delt.” My knee-jerk response to that statement is, “You’re a Phi for life,” and we are always looking for and welcome Phi alumni volunteers.
What are you most proud of?
Phi Delta Theta’s ‘North Star,’ located at 2 South Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio. The entire staff at General Headquarters and our General Council is second to none. They steered our grand old Fraternity through the good and unfortunate bad times. Phi Delt didn’t become the premier value-driven fraternity in the Greek world by chance; we earned it every day because of our leadership in Oxford.
Do you have any advice for current students?
Earn the right, clear your summer schedule, and attend Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute. It’s the ultimate Phi undergrad experience and quite possibly life-changing.