John McMillan Wilson, Miami ’49
Brother Wilson was born and raised on a farm in Union County, Indiana. He was “compactly built.” He was known to be quiet, reclusive, and a bit of a bookworm. He was an authority on history of all kinds and a respected teacher. Wilson was a senior when the Fraternity was founded.
Brother Wilson attended Xenia Academy and entered Miami University in 1846 where he received his bachelor of arts and a master of arts. Upon graduation, he taught part time at the Western Female Seminary and attended the theological seminary in Oxford intermittently.
Living near the chapter after graduating, he kept a close eye on the society. He was known to the undergraduates as “Pop” Wilson and “Old Dad” and dressed the part in his plain, down-home, and unassuming way.
In 1855, he became pastor of the church at Morning Sun, Ohio.
During the Civil War, he was commissioned as a recruiting officer in both Ohio and Indiana. After the war, he went to Southern Illinois where he was engaged in various enterprises.
Want to Read More About Wilson?
Read a biographical sketch of Wilson from the December 1886 The Scroll, written by the biological brother to Brother Wilson, Archibald Wilson.

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