Phi Delta Theta Scholarships
Undergraduate Scholarships

All students wishing to apply for a Phi Delta Theta Foundation scholarship or fellowship should visit the scholarship section of myPhiDelt to view opportunities available to them.
Non-members who are wishing to apply should go to myPhiDelt and “Claim Your Account” to access the scholarship portal.
Questions regarding scholarships and fellowships can be directed to
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Arthur R. Priest Scholarship
Arthur R. Priest, DePauw 1891, was the Fraternity’s first Executive Secretary serving in that position from 1923 to 1937. The Arthur R. Priest Award has been given each year since 1954 to an outstanding undergraduate member within the Fraternity.
Arizona Gamma (NAU) Scholarships
The Arizona Gamma Fund was established in 2001 to recognize top academic achievement of members from the Northern Arizona University chapter. Each semester, the four Arizona Gamma members who have the highest GPA receive an Arizona Gamma Award. The fund was established by George E. Grady, Arizona ’52, and has since received generous support from the Valley of the Sun Alumni Club (Phoenix Area), Arizona Gamma alumni, and many alumni from other Phi chapters.
James R. Ballard Scholarship (Colorado State)
The Ballard Scholarship benefits students from the Colorado Gamma Chapter at Colorado State. The award is named and funded by Jim Ballard, Colorado State ’52. Jim served his chapter as house corporation president and chapter adviser during his decades of service.
Thomas Beaham Scholarships (Arizona)
Established in 2006 in honor of Thomas G. Beaham, Arizona ’61, the Beaham Scholarships recognize the outstanding leadership and academic performances of undergraduates from the Arizona Alpha Chapter. Brother Beaham served Arizona Alpha for decades as a volunteer and was a tireless supporter of Phi Delta Theta in the city of Tucson. Brother Beaham entered the Chapter Grand in September, 2007. Gaeel Beaham, Tom’s wife, participates in the presentation of the Beaham Scholarships each year at the Tucson Founders Day. This scholarship is facilitated by a chapter alumni scholarship committee and a local scholarship application should be requested by interested students.
Chapter Leadership Funds
The following chapters can receive Chapter Leadership Funds which can be utilized for any Phi Delta Theta, university, or chapter education related expense. A list of common expenses covered by chapter leadership funds include, but are not limited to: Phi Delta Theta regional retreat attendance, university sponsored educational events/conferences registration fees, Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute attendance and travel, the McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference attendance and travel, chapter speakers, study or library supplies or expenses for the chapter house, technology, small academic awards, career counseling, and underwriting expenditures for alumni cultivation. The list of chapters include:
- Alabama Beta
- California Delta
- California Eta
- California Theta
- Florida Delta
- Georgia Beta (John Frank Thomas Fund)
- Illinois Eta
- Indiana Alpha
- Indiana Gamma
- Kansas Beta
- Kentucky Alpha-Delta
- Maryland Alpha (Fitzpatrick Fund)
- Missouri Zeta
- Nevada Alpha
- New Mexico Alpha
- North Carolina Alpha
- Ohio Mu
- Oklahoma Alpha
- Oklahoma Beta
- Oregon Delta
- Oregon Gamma
- Pennsylvania Mu
- Pennsylvania Zeta
- Texas Epsilon (Kleberg Fund)
- Texas Mu
Members of the above chapters do NOT need to apply for these funds but do need to complete an expense voucher and provide receipts. Submit completed expense vouchers via myPhiDelt and send any questions to Bonnie Schiller.
Colorado Alpha Scholarship
William J. Mark, CU Boulder ’72, and members of Colorado Alpha established this scholarship to honor the legacy of Colorado Alpha and its members. A scholarship or multiple scholarships are restricted for members or non-members of Phi Delta Theta, with priority consideration given to Fraternity members and legacies of Colorado Alpha alumni (men or women). The recipient (s) may be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree. Consideration will be given to academic achievement, leadership and community service, and financial need.
Colorado Alpha Legacy Students wishing to apply for this scholarship should visit the scholarship section of myPhiDelt. Non-members who are wishing to apply should go to myPhiDelt and “Claim Your Account” to access the scholarship portal.
Tony Danby Scholarship (NC State)
Dr. J.M. Anthony Danby is not your typical Phi. Born in London in 1929, and educated at Oxford and at Manchester University in the United Kingdom, Brother Danby didn’t become a Phi until 1993. However, he had been involved with Phi Delta Theta for many years before his initiation because he had served as North Carolina Delta’s Faculty Advisor. Dr. Danby made a gift to the Foundation in 1999 to endow scholarships for members of North Carolina Delta Chapter. The first Danby Scholarships were given during the 2001-2002 academic-year.
Jack H. Deacon, Jr. Memorial Scholarship (Maryland)
Jack H. Deacon, Jr. became a member of Maryland Alpha Chapter at the University of Maryland in 1984. He was a very active and involved member who served as chapter president. After his 1987 graduation, he served Phi Delta Theta as an adviser for the colony at Washington College, which became Maryland Gamma Chapter in 1992. Brother Deacon died in an accident in 1993. In 1995 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Deacon, Sr., established the scholarship in his memory. It is offered to a student from Maryland Alpha Chapter.
Donald E. Demkee Scholarship (Akron)
Brother Donald E. Demkee, Akron ’60, established this scholarship in his name in 1982. Dr. Demkee served as Province President for Sigma South Province in northern Ohio from 1982 to 1983. Brother Demkee was a Wooster, Ohio dentist whose practice was limited to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Priority consideration for the Demkee Scholarship is given to members from the Ohio Epsilon Chapter.
James P. Devere Scholarship (UCLA)
Brother James P. Devere, UCLA ’41, established this scholarship in 1988. Devere is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the UCLA Foundation and is a member of the UCLA Baseball Hall of Fame. The scholarship is restricted to members of California chapters with first preference going to members of California Gamma Chapter at his alma mater.
Fesler Family Scholarship (Non-Traditional Students)
The Fesler Family Scholarship was established in 1996 by David R. Fesler, Minnesota ’50, and his wife, Elizabeth P. Fesler. The award was established to honor the Phi Delta Theta members of David’s family. Those honored are three sets of brothers from three generations of the family:
- James William Fesler, Franklin College and Indiana University 1887. He was David’s great uncle.
- Bert Fesler, Indiana University 1889, David’s grandfather.
- John King Fesler, Minnesota 1923, David’s father.
- James William Fesler, Minnesota 1932, David’s uncle.
- John Lampert Fesler, Minnesota 1949, David’s brother.
- David Richard Fesler, Minnesota 1950.
Preference for this scholarship is given to older “non-traditional” students.
Brian Fraser Presidential Memorial Scholarship
A traditional undergraduate scholarship and first-generation scholarship for members of the Michigan Beta Chapter at Michigan State University. It is our hope at Phi Delta Theta and the hope of Brian’s parents that each Phi who receives this scholarship will embody Brian’s charismatic, contagious smile and caring, loyal energy. If the chapter president is not eligible to apply, then an executive officer of the chapter may apply.
Albert J. Gavlak Scholarship (Case Western Reserve)
In 1984 Mrs. Albert J. Gavlak, with the help of friends, established the Albert J. Gavlak Scholarship in memory of her husband who had passed away in 1982. Brother Gavlak was a member of the Ohio Eta Chapter and a 1922 graduate of the Case School of Applied Science (later named Case Western Reserve University). The scholarship is designated for a member of Ohio Eta Chapter at Case. Brother Gavlak had served as an adviser to Ohio Eta Chapter.
Clifford E. & Lavonne Graese Scholarships (South Dakota)
Up to five scholarship awards will be available to the undergraduate members of the South Dakota Alpha Chapter. Award amounts may vary depending on the number of applicants (total amount of $5,000 will be awarded). Members in good standing and with one full year of undergraduate study remaining are eligible to apply. Successful applicants will be asked to visit the University of South Dakota campus museum and peruse the collections in The Graese Gallery.
Jordan L. Haines Awards (Kansas)
After his entrance into the Chapter Grand, friends and family members of Jordan L. Haines, Kansas ’49, raised money to establish both scholarships and fellowships in Brother Haines’ name for members of his beloved Kansas Alpha Chapter at the University of Kansas. The first recipients were named in 2007.
Kenneth D. Hansen Grant Scholarship
Motivated by the idea that today’s colligate athletes are less likely to be members of our great Fraternity and not benefiting from a lifetime of opportunity, Kenneth D. Hansen, New Mexico ’55, believes that said individuals are discouraged from fraternity membership. Kenneth D. Hansen established this scholarship to reward undergraduate, collegiate non-scholarship athletes for their participation as an initiated member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.
Harrison Presidents Scholarships
Harrison Presidents Scholarships are available to the chapter president or executive officers who attend the McKenzie Family Presidents Leadership Conference in St Louis. The scholarships are for $1,000 and include additional reimbursement (up to $300 stipend) for travel expenses to and from the conference. Harrison Presidents Scholarships are restricted to the chapters that have these special funds available.
Chapters with Harrison Presidents Scholarships available include:
- AL Beta – Auburn University
- CA Delta – University of Southern California
- CA Theta – University of California, Irvine
- FL Alpha/NC Delta – University of Florida/North Carolina State University
- GA Alpha – University of Georgia
- IN Gamma – Butler University
- MD Alpha – University of Maryland
- MN Beta – Minnesota State University, Mankato
- NY Zeta – Colgate University
- OH Epsilon – University of Akron
- TX Gamma – Southwestern University
- Emerging Chapter – Eligible to the president of any emerging chapter
John G. Hazlett Scholarship (Miami)
The Hazlett Scholarship shall benefit an undergraduate member of the Ohio Alpha Chapter. The recipient shall have a 3.5 grade point average, will have also demonstrated a daily pattern of moral living which is at a level higher than that of an average student, and shall have performed commendable service in social or citizenship areas. This award was provided for in the provisions of Mr. Hazlett’s estate. He was a member of the Ohio Alpha Chapter (Bond# 972) and graduated from Miami University with the Class of 1949.
Hiram Perry Holmes Scholarship (Michigan, Arizona, UNC)
H. Perry Holmes was the longtime financial advisor to Michigan Alpha Chapter at the University of Michigan. Brother Holmes died in 1977. His widow established the Hiram Perry Holmes Scholarship in his memory with a gift to the Foundation in 1985. Priority is given to members of three chapters: Michigan Alpha at the University of Michigan, Arizona Alpha at the University of Arizona, and North Carolina Beta at the University of North Carolina. Michigan Alpha is Brother Holmes’ chapter, Arizona Alpha is the transfer chapter of Brother Holmes’ son, James C. Holmes, and North Carolina Beta is the chapter of his grandson, Stephen W. Holmes.
Hoyt-Jolley Foundation Scholarship (Multiple States)
In 1997, the Foundation received a generous gift from the Ruth R. Hoyt – Anne H. Jolley Foundation, Inc. The gift was earmarked to establish a scholarship for undergraduate members of Phi Delta Theta attending school in one of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas or Virginia. William H. Jolley, Georgia Tech ’78 and Fleming L. Jolley, Jr., Vanderbilt ’74, served as trustees of the Hoyt – Jolley Foundation. The scholarship was awarded for the first time during the 1998-1999 academic year.
Nicholas S. Imes – Indiana Lambda Scholarship
Restricted for the undergraduate members of the Indiana Lambda chapter at the University of Southern Indiana. Family and friends established this scholarship to honor Nicholas S. Imes and did so by creating the Nicholas S. Imes Memorial Golf Scramble. The proceeds from the yearly scrambles benefit the Indiana Lambda chapter at the University of Southern Indiana.
John B. Jackson, Jr. Scholarship (Georgia Tech)
In 1992 Phi friends of John B. Jackson, Jr., Georgia Tech ’45, began raising money for a scholarship to honor Brother Jackson who was retiring after many years as the executive vice president of the Atlanta Alumni Club. When Jackson died in February of 1993, alumni in Atlanta accelerated their fund raising efforts to complete the fund in his memory. Phi and non-Phi friends throughout the country supported the fund raising efforts, and the scholarship was established in 1994.
Jack S. Kitchen Scholarship (Missouri)
Jack S. Kitchen established this scholarship in 1982 for members of his beloved Missouri Alpha Chapter at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Brother Kitchen was associated with El Paso’s First Savings and Loan Association from its founding in 1958 until he retired in 1980 as Chairman of the Board. His wife, Hulda Rhodes Kitchen, followed Jack’s lead by making generous gifts to increase the corpus of the Kitchen Scholarship Fund. Brother Kitchen passed away on January 3, 1996.
Anthony Loughran – Utah Alpha Brotherhood Award
The Utah Alpha House Corporation Scholarship Committee will nominate students at the University of Utah who are members of the Utah Alpha chapter of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity for this distribution. Criteria includes demonstrated financial need, an active who demonstrates willingness to work while in college, a 3.0 GPA or higher the previous semester and an active who meets the values and remains in good standing with the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.
Local Undergraduate Scholarships
Local undergraduate scholarships are provided through endowment funds set up specifically for certain chapters. If your chapter is included in the list below, please check with your local scholarship committee to inquire about the application process. Award amounts vary.
- AL Beta – Auburn University
- AZ Alpha – University of Arizona
- AZ Gamma – Northern Arizona University
- CA Alpha – University of California, Berkeley
- KS Beta – Washburn University
- OH Theta – University of Cincinnati
- NV Beta – University of Nevada
- NY Zeta – Colgate University
Herbert C. Lovejoy Scholarships (Washington)
A will bequest made by Brother Lovejoy provided the funds to establish the Herbert C. Lovejoy Scholarship. Brother Lovejoy, a member of Washington Alpha Chapter, graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle in 1914. His will provided that the scholarship be restricted to members of his chapter. The scholarship was established in 1982.
J. Willard Marriott Scholarship (Utah)
J. Willard Marriott, Utah ’25, was well known first for his chain of restaurants and later through the Marriott Hotel enterprise. He passed away in August of 1985. The Marriott Family Trust matched funds raised by alumni of Utah Alpha Chapter at the University of Utah to establish the scholarship fund in his memory. The scholarship was first awarded in 1988. Recipients are members of the Utah Alpha Chapter. This scholarship is facilitated by a chapter alumni scholarship committee and a local scholarship application should be requested by interested students.
Maryland Alpha/Fitzpatrick Scholarship
In honor of the 80th Anniversary, Maryland Alpha and the Phi Delta Theta Foundation are seeking to raise $800,000 for the Maryland Alpha/Fitzpatrick Scholarship Fund program. Founded at the 75th anniversary by the late Marv Perry, Maryland ’52, the Fund seeks to provide significant scholarships to undergraduate brothers as recognition for their achievements so they may extend their leadership within the chapter and on campus. The fund will ensure our future on campus, even when times change within the Greek community.
Maryland Beta Scholarship (McDaniel)
In 2024, Brigadier General (U.S. Army, Retired) Donald Schenk and alumni of the Maryland Beta chapter established a scholarship to support the future members of the chapter. Recipients will be selected in late spring for the following academic year.
Charles D. McAtee Scholarship (Washburn)
The McAtee Scholarship is named in memory of Charles D. McAtee, Washburn ’50, a long-time champion of Phi Delta Theta and mentor to many Washburn Phis. First awarded in 2009, the McAtee Scholarship recognizes the Kansas Beta student(s) who excels in the classroom and exhibits outstanding leadership qualities. This scholarship is facilitated by a chapter alumni scholarship committee and a local scholarship application should be requested by interested students.
Michael S. McConnel Scholarship (Dickenson)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. McConnel, Jr. established the Michael S. McConnel Scholarship Fund in 1987 with a generous gift in memory of their son. Brother McConnel died on October 9, 1985, while he was an undergraduate at Dickinson College. The McConnel Scholarship is restricted to members of Michael’s chapter, Pennsylvania Epsilon.
H. Laird McGregor Scholarship (Denison)
The H. Laird McGregor Scholarship was established in 1994 shortly after Brother McGregor’s death. Laird McGregor, Denison ’51, served as a trustee of the Foundation from 1981 to1989 and as a member of the Fraternity’s General Council from 1986 to1988. He received the Fraternity’s prestigious Legion of Merit Award at the 1988 General Convention. Gifts from Brother McGregor, from his son-in-law and daughter, Terrence and Laurie McGregor Connor, and from many Phi and non -Phi friends at the time of his death funded the scholarship.
Robert J. Miller Leadership Awards
The Robert J. Miller Leadership Award was established in 1990 in honor of Brother Miller, New Mexico ’50, who would retire the next year from his position as Executive Vice President of Phi Delta Theta. Gifts to establish this scholarship were received from Brother Miller’s many friends. Each year the undergraduate brother judged to have demonstrated the most outstanding leadership in his chapter and on his campus is awarded the Robert J. Miller Leadership Award.
Missouri Alpha – “Proud to be a Missouri Alpha Phi” Scholarship
This fund will be utilized for academic scholarships for members of Missouri Alpha. They must live in the chapter house and meet the minimum criteria of the application, such as; 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, good financial standing with the chapter and/or house corporation, good standing with the chapter (behavioral), approval from the Chapter Advisory Board Chairman or Province President, unofficial transcript, resume, and demonstrated financial need and/or leadership potential.
Arthur C. Musselman Scholarship (Gettysburg)
During 1992, Brother Arthur C. Musselman, Gettysburg ’28, established a scholarship fund for members of his beloved chapter, Pennsylvania Beta at Gettysburg College. Pennsylvania Beta was, indeed, a Musselman “family affair.” His father, John C. Musselman, graduated from Gettysburg in 1883. His three brothers, John, Amos and Luther, were all Gettysburg alumni graduating in 1910, 1912 and 1915. All were members of Phi Delta Theta. A retired mathematics teacher, Brother Musselman passed away on March 26, 1993.
Muster/Ward/Goss Scholarship
The Muster/Ward/Goss fund was established in 1993 to honor three former employees of Ohio Theta Chapter at the University of Cincinnati. The fund was named for two housemothers, Mom Muster and Mom Ward, and for McKinley Goss, the chapter’s houseman. Gifts to establish the scholarship fund were sent by alumni members of Ohio Theta Chapter with an especially generous gift from Ronald F. Walker, Cincinnati ’61, who was a Foundation trustee at the time. The scholarship is restricted to members of Ohio Theta Chapter.
Jeffrey R. Nieman Scholarships (Missouri)
The Jeffrey R. Nieman Scholarships were established in 1988 by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nieman. Brother Nieman died on April 8, 1987, while he was an undergraduate at Southwest Missouri State University where he was a member of Missouri Epsilon Chapter. Two scholarships are available annually. First preference goes to members of Missouri Epsilon Chapter, then to Missouri Gamma Chapter at Washington University, and then to Phis attending school in the state of Missouri.
Nevada Beta Scholarships (UNLV)
The Nevada Beta Fund was created in 2000 by David Lynch, Washington (St Louis) ’62, to recognize outstanding academic performances by members and Phikeia from the University of Nevada-Las Vegas chapter. Since its founding, scores of Nevada Beta alumni have contributed to the growth and success of the fund. Each semester, the member with the highest GPA, the member with the most improved academic performance and the Phikeia with the highest GPA receive a Nevada Beta Scholarship.
New York Zeta Scholarships (Colgate)
The New York Zeta Fund was created in 2006 by alumni of the Colgate chapter. On an annual basis, the Fund’s directors facilitate support for undergraduate scholarships based on academic achievement, leadership, merit and financial need. Students are recognized annually with the Winnie MacKay Awards, Freeman H. Allen Award, Sigma Alpha Award, Knights of Pallas Awards and Sound Learning Awards. The New York Zeta Fund also supports an annual career event in New York City for undergraduates and alumni of the chapter. These scholarships are facilitated by a chapter alumni scholarship committee.
James D. Oatts Scholarships
James D. Oatts, Akron ’26, provided very generously for the Phi Delta Theta Foundation in his will. Brother Oatts died in August of 1990, and the scholarships were established the following year. Several scholarships are presented annually in memory of Brother Oatts. Members of Ohio Epsilon Chapter at the University of Akron are given first preference for one of the scholarships. Brother Oatts was President of Oatts-Conry Organization, Inc.
W.H. Sterg O’Dell Scholarships
Brother Sterg O’Dell, Iowa ’40, wrote to the Foundation in 1972 wondering what two or three scholarships a year for a trial period of five years would do for Iowa Beta Chapter at The University of Iowa. “I should think that some scholarships for Iowa Beta might give the chapter a boost in spirit.” The O’Dell Scholarships for members of Iowa Beta Chapter were established the next year.
Ohio Epsilon Scholarship Fund (Akron)
Established in 1982 by the Ohio Epsilon chapter in memory of Verlin P. Jenkins Akron, 1924, this scholarship fund supports deserving full-time undergraduates who are active Phi Delta Theta members of Ohio Epsilon.
Ohio Theta Scholarships (Cincinnati)
Each year, the Ohio Theta Fund and the Donald Melchiorre Cincinnati ’59 Leadership Fund (est. 2007) recognize outstanding students on the University of Cincinnati campus. Both members and first-year students (non-members) are selected to receive scholarships based upon their performances in the classroom, leadership and community service. Most awards are presented at the Ohio Theta Scholarship Banquet, held in September of each year. These scholarships are facilitated by a local alumni scholarship committee.
Oregon Alpha Golden Legion Scholarship (Oregon)
The Golden Legionnaires of Oregon Alpha Chapter have a very active organization that holds annual weekend reunions. During one of their meetings, they decided to fund a scholarship for members of Oregon Alpha Chapter at the University of Oregon. Their fund raising activities were successful, and in 1991, the Oregon Alpha Golden Legion Scholarship was established.
John Cooke Scholarship (Indiana Gamma)
John Cooke, Butler ’62, created this traditional undergraduate scholarship for students of the Indiana Gamma Chapter suitable for the instruction or training for purposes of improving or developing the member’s capabilities through group interaction and individual study. The applicant must live in the chapter house throughout the academic year the scholarship is funding.
John L. Ott Scholarship (Rollins, Kentucky)
John L. Ott, Rollins ’35, served as President of Eta North Province (Kentucky) from 1965 to 1973. Brother Ott died in December of 1974. His widow, Mary Jane, established the John L. Ott Scholarship in 1982 in his memory “because Phi Delta Theta was very dear to Jack.” In selecting the recipients for the Ott Scholarship, preference is given to members of Florida Beta Chapter at Rollins College and to members of chapters in Kentucky, though members of all chapters are eligible.
Paul G. & Ruth R. Palmer Scholarships (Colorado State, Oregon, Washington, California)
The Paul G. and Ruth R. Palmer Scholarships were established in 1998 when the Foundation received the proceeds of a Living Trust established by the Palmers. Dr. Palmer, a retired veterinarian, was a 1933 graduate of Colorado State University and a member of Colorado Gamma Chapter. The Palmer Scholarships were given for the first time during the 1999-2000 academic-year. Members of Colorado Gamma Chapter at Colorado State University, as well as members of chapters in Oregon, Washington and California compete for the awards.
Chuck Poore Family Scholarship (Nebraska, South Dakota)
This scholarship honors Charles W. “Chuck” Poore, South Dakota ’61, and his two Phi sons, Christopher, Nebraska-Kearney ’93, and Gregory, Southeast Missouri State ’97. Brother Poore, Past President of the General Council, was also the longtime President of Psi Province. He established the scholarship in 1993. The Poore Scholarship is available to members of Nebraska Alpha Chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska Beta Chapter at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, Nebraska Gamma Chapter at Creighton University, and Sound Dakota Alpha Chapter at the University of South Dakota.
J. David & Dorothy Reams Scholarship/Fellowship
This award was established for Phi Delta Theta members to help cover the expenses associated with earning a college degree. It may be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student. Preference will be given to California Gamma Phis but depending on applicants and judging scores, other chapters may also be taken into consideration.
Trevor J. Schwehr Leadership and Character Scholarship
This restricted fund is designated to support TWO scholarships for the Utah Alpha chapter. Members will apply through the Foundation application process and must meet minimum criteria requirements. The local scholarship committee, abiding by the local scholarship policy, will then review the applications and submit the award nominees to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation Board of Trustees for approval. Donate in memory of Trevor.
Maurice E. Shaffer Scholarships
Maurice E. Shaffer’s generous gifts to the Foundation have been providing scholarships for members of Phi Delta Theta since 1988. A retired businessman and attorney, Brother Shaffer, Dickinson ’30, was one of the first members of the Foundation’s Founders Club. He was a former President of the Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) Alumni Club. Every summer for decades, he and Mrs. Shaffer hosted an annual summer picnic at their home for Harrisburg alumni and their guests. Brother Shaffer passed away in October of 1997.
Russell D. Shelden Scholarships (Missouri)
Dr. and Mrs. Russell D. Shelden established this scholarship in July of 1998 with a gift to the Foundation. A medical doctor from Kansas City, Missouri, Dr. Shelden is a 1942 graduate of the University of Missouri and a loyal member of Missouri Alpha Chapter. Dr. and Mrs. Shelden earmarked the scholarship for members of Missouri Alpha. The first Russell D. Shelden Scholarship was given during the 1999-2000 academic year.
James Sierra Scholarship (California State, Northridge)
The Sierra Scholarship is named in honor and memory of James F. Sierra, Bond #27 from the California Zeta Chapter at Cal-State Northridge. The scholarship was established in 2004, and it offers priority consideration to California Zeta members. Brother Sierra entered the Chapter Grand in October 2005.
Watson E. Slabaugh Scholarship (Case Western)
Watty Slabaugh, Case ’29, was a life-long supporter of his university, his Ohio Eta Chapter, and the General Fraternity. For many years he was the backbone of the Mansfield (Ohio) Area Alumni Club where he played a prominent role in influencing many young men to join Phi Delta Theta. He died in August of 1991. Brother Slabaugh’s widow, along with his two daughters and their husbands, decided to establish the Watson E. Slabaugh Fund as a lasting reminder of his dedication to the Fraternity. Many friends sent gifts in his memory. Those gifts were added to the gifts from Brother Slabaugh’s family, and together they funded the scholarship. The Slabaugh Scholarship was officially established in 1992.
Texas Gamma Scholarships (Southwestern)
A 1997 gift to the Foundation from The William A. and Madeline Welder Smith Foundation established the Foundation’s Texas Gamma Chapter Scholarship. The scholarship is restricted to members of Texas Gamma Chapter at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. The first scholarship from this fund was awarded during the 1997-1998 academic year. Since its creation, the fund has grown so that it now provides three scholarships per year. The additional awards are now given in memory of two outstanding and dedicated alumni from that chapter: John N. Score II and Howard E. Young.
Joe Tonsmeire Leadership Fund (Auburn)
The Joe Tonsmeire Leadership Memorial Fund was established in 2008. Joe Tonsmeire, Auburn ‘69, long time river runner, adventurer and past president of Alabama Beta, entered the Chapter Grand on March 9, 2007, following a life filled with outdoor adventure with his wife, Frannie. The first leadership award to a qualified freshman, sophomore or junior of Alabama Beta was presented in the Fall of 2010. This Foundation award is determined by an alumni committee of Alabama Beta.
Robert P. Ufer Scholarship (Michigan)
The Robert P. Ufer Scholarship was established in memory of Brother Ufer, Michigan ’43. Brother Ufer was a prominent sportscaster in Michigan who had served as a chapter adviser to Michigan Alpha Chapter at the University of Michigan. Efforts to raise funds for a scholarship in his memory began soon after his 1981 death. Many of his friends, Phis and non-Phis, sent memorial gifts to the Foundation. The first Ufer Scholarship was awarded in 1988, although the fund was not fully funded to present an annual award until 1993. The Ufer Scholarship is restricted to members of Michigan Alpha Chapter.
Lloyd I. Volckening Scholarship
Phi Delta Theta was the recipient of a bequest from the Estate of Lloyd I. Volckening in 1985, which enabled the Foundation to establish a scholarship bearing Brother Volckening’s name. Brother Volckening was a 1918 graduate of Columbia University and a member of New York Delta Chapter. He remained loyal to Phi Delta Theta throughout his life, often participating in alumni activities. The President of the Ivers-Lee Company, he was also described as “an educator, lawyer, inventor, and community leader…”
Valor Scholarship
Established in 2024 by Lt. Col. Henry G. Heren IV, the Valor Scholarship may support an undergraduate or graduate member of Phi Delta Theta who is a veteran as defined by the U.S. Department of Military Affairs/Veterans Affairs Canada, on Active Duty or serving in the National Guard or Reserve components, or Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadet with a current contract for military service. The Valor Scholarship is not limited to a particular branch of the U.S. Armed Forces/Canadian Armed Forces.
Wittress Family Scholarship
Bill Wittress, Puget Sound ’93, established this Undergraduate Scholarship to benefit the Washington Delta Chapter and Indiana Gamma Chapter. The awards rotate each year between the two chapters.
Whole Man Scholarships
Whole Man Scholars represent less than 1% of all Phi Delta Theta undergraduate members and are the ‘best of the best, brightest of the brightest’ in the Phi Delt Nation. Each participant is invited to the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute to participate in the Shaffer Honors College of Leadership and is given a scholarship.
Whole Man Scholarships were provided by Foundation donors who contributed a minimum of $72,000 to establish one for their chapter or an associated chapter.
Benefits of Being A Whole Man Scholar
Recipients of these very special awards will receive up to a $1,000 academic scholarship to assist with the cost of their college education and will also experience a very intensive leadership immersion experience with other Whole Man Scholars from the United States and Canada at the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute in Oxford, Ohio, held each summer. While in Oxford, Whole Man Scholars will participate in the Shaffer Honors College of Leadership that has been created to help the Fraternity’s finest undergraduates hone their leadership style and decision making abilities.
Recipients of Whole Man Scholarships will have the cost of participating in the conference underwritten. Travel expenses to and from the conference are NOT included with this award. Whole Man Scholars are IN ADDITION TO the three Kleberg track delegates and the Phikeia Educators Conference delegate already attending the conference from each chapter.
Whole Man Scholar Requirements
Applicants must be an initiated member of the chapter with a suggested 3.0 GPA, be a rising junior or senior, and have previously attended the Kleberg Emerging Leaders Institute. Other requirements include a complete online application with emphasis on leadership and ethics.
Prior Whole Man Scholars are not eligible for consideration.
Chapters with Whole Man Scholarships
The following chapters have Whole Man Scholarships available:
- Arizona Alpha – University of Arizona
- California Phi – Chapman University
- California Theta (3) – University of California, Irvine
- Colorado Gamma (2) – Colorado State University
- Florida Epsilon (2) – University of South Florida
- Georgia Epsilon – Georgia Southern University
- Illinois Alpha – Northwestern University
- Illinois Eta – University of Illinois
- Indiana Eta – Indiana State University
- Indiana Gamma (3) – Butler University
- Indiana Theta (3) – Purdue University
- Indiana Zeta – DePauw University
- Iowa Beta – University of Iowa
- Kansas Alpha – University of Kansas
- Kansas Delta – Wichita State University
- Maryland Alpha – University of Maryland
- Maryland Gamma – Washington College
- Minnesota Beta (3) – Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Mississippi Alpha – University of Mississippi
- Nebraska Alpha (2) – University of Nebraska
- Nebraska Gamma – Creighton University
- New York Epsilon (7) – Syracuse University
- New York Zeta – Colgate University
- North Carolina Delta – North Carolina State University
- Ohio Epsilon (3) – University of Akron
- Ohio Theta (2) – University of Cincinnati
- Ohio Eta – Case Western Reserve University
- Oklahoma Beta (2) – Oklahoma State University
- Pennsylvania Zeta (2) – University of Pennsylvania
- South Dakota Alpha – University of South Dakota
- Tennessee Gamma – University of Tennessee
- Texas Beta (5) – University of Texas
- Texas Gamma (2) – Southwestern University
- Texas Delta (3) – Southern Methodist University
- Texas Epsilon (9) – Texas Tech University
- Texas Zeta (4) – Texas Christian University
- Virginia Beta – University of Virginia
- Washington Alpha – University of Washington
- Washington Delta – University of Puget Sound