
The Phi Delta Theta Foundation

The Phi Delta Theta Foundation exists to strengthen men for life by building on the tradition of our core values: Friendship, Sound Learning and Rectitude. The Foundation grants $1 million annually in scholarships, fellowships, and educational grants to help Phis on their pursuit of greatness. 

Critical to the Fraternity’s strategic plan, Phi Delt 2030, is the Phi Delta Theta Foundation’s capital campaign: Campaign 2030: A Greater Version for Tomorrow. The campaign’s goal is to achieve an impact of $60 million in the areas of member development, health and safety, and people support.

Funding Priorities

Campaign 2030: A Greater Version for Tomorrow launched in 2021 with a goal of cementing the Phi Delta Theta Foundation’s ability to grant $1 million annually to support Phi Delts. The Campaign established four strategic areas for Phis to support these efforts.

Phi Delt Fund

The Phi Delt Fund establishes a base of support for every member of Phi Delta Theta through scholarships and educational programs. The higher education landscape is consistently evolving, and with each passing year, new challenges arise. Through the Phi Delt Fund, Phi Delta Theta can remain nimble through these changes by having on-hand funds to make changes throughout the year. Nearly 4,000 donors give to the Phi Delt Fund each year. Each of these donors ensures that Phi Delt can adapt leadership programming so that it fits the needs of the current student members of Phi Delta Theta.

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Member Development

A Greater Version for Tomorrow evolves a member development experience that promotes transformational leadership education. We’ve spent decades developing stop educational resources to ensure that every man who joins Phi Delt is provided with the opportunity to attain personal greatness. All programs implemented will execute and promote transformational education that focuses on self-awareness, affirmation, motivation, and innovative leadership skills through on-demand technology and in-person program support for continued lifelong skill development and growth.

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Health and Safety

A Greater Version for Tomorrow instills a culture of group and individual health and safety. Fraternities and college-aged youth are both facing an unprecedented university climate. While fraternities are fighting to remain relevant on campuses by implementing new health and safety policies, Phi Delt is coaching them through the changes while developing advanced practices to protect our members. Over the next decade, we will double down on instilling a culture of group and individual health and well-being that is recognized and results in the safest fraternal organization.

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People Support

A Greater Version for Tomorrow bolsters support for members, volunteers, staff members, and parents. Phi Delta Theta is growing daily by improving our recruitment culture and retaining our members. Undergraduates are recruiting their classmates. Our volunteers are becoming more engaged with their chapters, alumni, and General Headquarters. As this happens, we recognize our need to create a volunteer and staff support model that prioritizes servant leadership and enables all chapters and members to achieve personal greatness that will further the Fraternity.

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How to Give

Thank you for your generosity to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation.

The Phi Delta Theta Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization with non profit status. Our Tax ID number is 34-6539803.

There are several ways to make a gift to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation:


Make a one-time or recurring contribution safely and securely online using your credit card, debit card, Paypal, Apple Pay, G Pay, or Venmo.

By Mail

Mail a contribution to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation at 2 S Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio 45056. Be sure to make checks payable to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation

By Phone

Call us at 513-280-6707 and a member of our Foundation staff will handle your contribution personally. Office hours are 8am to 5pm (Eastern), Monday to Friday.

By Wire Transfer

Use these instructions to complete a donation via wire transfer. If you have questions, please contact Tom Shumate by phone at (513) 523-6345 Ext. 221 or by email.

For Gifts of Stock or Other Closely Held Property

Why do it?

Say you purchased 100 shares at $33 a share five years ago. Now the shares have doubled in value. You invested $3,300, but your gift to Phi Delta Theta is $6,600. You don’t pay the capital gains tax you would have owed had you sold the securities.

View our stock gift instructions document. If you have questions, please contact Tom Shumate by phone at (513) 523-6345 Ext. 221 or by email.

IRA Charitable Rollover

Normally, a distribution from a traditional IRA incurs taxes since the account holder didn’t pay taxes on the money when they put it into the IRA. But account holders aged 70½ or older who make a contribution directly from a traditional IRA to a qualified charity can donate up to $100,000 without it being considered a taxable distribution. The deduction effectively lowers the donor’s adjusted gross income (AGI).

To avoid paying taxes on the donation, the donor must follow the IRS rules for qualified charitable distributions (QCDs)—aka, IRA charitable rollovers. Refer to your financial institution’s Qualified Charitable Distribution Form (QCD) or contact Andrew Cole for more information.

Sample IRA QCD Request from Owner to Administrator

Sample Letter from Donor to Phi Delta Theta Informing of IRA QCD Transfer

Matching Gifts

See if your employer will match your donation!

Make your gifts to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation go even further through a gift-matching program! Many companies will match the giving of both current and retired employees that may double or even triple your support.Your employer may be among them. Please use the search tool below to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift. If assistance is needed, call us at 513-523-6345, and we’ll help you find the information you need.

When submitting a matching gift through your company’s portal you may need the following information:

Federal Tax ID Number (EIN): 34-6539803

Address: Phi Delta Theta Foundation 2 South Campus Avenue, Oxford, OH  45056

Contact Information:  Tom Shumate | (513) 523-6345 Ext. 221 |



The Phi Delta Theta Foundation has partnered with Freewill to offer our donors one more way to give seamlessly to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation, a 501 C (3) organization. You give from your wallet in crypto, and the Phi Delta Theta Foundation receives your donation in U.S. dollars. You will receive full credit for your donation at the point of sale, which will be the same day, same hour. Simple as that!

Planned Giving

Visit our planned giving page to learn more about leaving a legacy with Phi Delta Theta through the Living Bond Society.

Recurring Gifts

You can make a gift or pay on a pledge electronically on a monthly or quarterly schedule as determined by you. To set up this arrangement, visit or call us at 513-523-6345. There is no fee for this giving arrangement.

Memorial and Honorary Giving

A memorial or honorary gift is an appropriate way to recognize someone’s life and accomplishments. The Foundation offers opportunities for those who wish to associate the name of a family or an individual with a project or program of enduring worth, including leadership funds and scholarships. Memorial gifts are acknowledged to the family while honorary gifts are acknowledged to the individual.

Please contact Joanne McCoy for more information.

Courtyard Brick

Alumni and undergraduates alike continue to support the Sesquicentennial Courtyard with bricks engraved with their names or the names of other members and friends of Phi Delta Theta. More than 2,500 engraved bricks have already been placed in the courtyard, and that number continues to increase on a regular basis.

With each tax-deductible brick gift of $500 comes a keepsake color rendering of the actual brick. The rendering is presented in a blue padded folder.

For more information, please contact Joanne McCoy.

Annual Report

Our most impactful year yet—you are the difference

Giving Societies

The Phi Delta Theta Foundation’s Annual Report highlights all members of the Foundation’s giving societies.

Members of the Founders Club, Trustees’ Roundtable, and Living Bond Society are featured on the Donor Recognition Wall at the General Headquarters.

Gift Acceptance Policy

The Phi Delta Theta Foundation welcomes expressions of interest and financial support, regardless of size or form, from any individual, family, business, corporation or similar source. Gifts are sought and accepted for programs and purposes, which have been approved by the Board of Trustees of the Phi Delta Theta Foundation. 

Annual gifts, planned gifts and gift commitments (pledges) to the Phi Delta Theta Foundation may take the form of one, or a combination, of the following:

  • Cash
  • Appreciated securities or other personal assets, including publicly-traded and closely-held securities
  • Tangible personal property
  • Real estate
  • Deferred or planned gifts including trusts, annuities, insurance policies, gifts of property with or without a retained life interest, and/or bequest intentions

The Foundation President has the authority to accept on behalf of the Foundation any planned giving agreement that meets the requirements of the current guidelines of the Phi Delta Theta Foundation. Representatives of the Phi Delta Theta Foundation will provide all appropriate assistance, but recognize that the ultimate responsibility regarding asset evaluation, tax deductibility, and/or similar federal, state and/or local legal compliance rests with the donor(s) and/or with such financial advisors as the donor(s) will secure. Foundation representatives will recommend that potential donors seek such advice from competent financial advisors. 
The Phi Delta Theta Foundation will not knowingly seek, or accept, any commitment or gift regardless of size, designation or other condition that it believes is not in the potential best interest of a donor.