Brother Jay Johnson is currently the President and CEO of Duncan Regional Hospital in Duncan, Oklahoma. Jay has his undergraduate degree from Cameron University where he was both the Student Government President and the President of the Phi Delta Theta chapter in the early 90’s. He has his masters in hospital administration from Virginia Commonwealth.
The American Hospital Association (AHA), in partnership with the OHA, recently awarded Brother Johnson with the American Hospital Association Grassroots Champions Award. As a 2014 Grassroots Champion, Johnson is being recognized for his exceptional leadership in generating grassroots and community activity in support of a hospital’s mission.
The American Hospital Association Grassroots Champions Award was created to recognize those hospital leaders who most effectively educate elected officials on how major issues affect the hospital’s vital role in the community, who have done an exemplary job in broadening the base of community support for the hospital, and who are tireless advocates for the hospital and its patients. The award is presented annually to one individual from each state with winners being chosen by the state association. The 2014 honorees were recognized at a special Breakfast of Grassroots Champions at the AHA Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday, May 6. Johnson is one of 51 individuals honored this year.