The Brian Fraser Presidential Memorial Scholarship
On February 13, 2023, Brian Fraser tragically lost his life to a senseless act of violence. Brian served as the Michigan State Phi Delta Theta Chapter President. In collaboration with his parents, Phi Delta Theta wishes to memorialize him through a Presidential Scholarship for Michigan Beta.
In the wake of this tragedy, Brian’s brothers posted, “Brian was our leader, and we loved him. He cared deeply about his Phi Delt brothers, his family, Michigan State University, and Phi Delta Theta. We will greatly miss Brian and mourn his death deeply as our chapter supports each other during this difficult time.”
Funds raised in Brian’s memory will support the Brian Fraser Presidential Memorial Scholarship, which will help future Michigan Beta presidents fund their education. It is our hope at Phi Delta Theta and the hope of Brian’s parents that each Phi who receives this scholarship will embody Brian’s charismatic, contagious smile and caring, loyal energy.
In coelo quies est.
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A Tribute to Brian Fraser, From the Brothers of Michigan Beta at Michigan State
On February 13, 2023, Brian Fraser tragically lost his life to a senseless act of violence. Brian served as the Michigan State Phi Delta Theta Chapter President. As the leader of the Michigan Beta Chapter, Brian was a great friend to his Phi Delt brothers, the Greek community at Michigan State, and those he interacted with on campus. His fellow chapter brothers spent time recognizing the impact Brian had on their lives:
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Oxford, Ohio, February 14 – Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity was devastated to learn that Brian Fraser, chapter president of the Michigan Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Michigan State University, tragically lost his life on the evening of February 13.
As the leader of his chapter, Brian was a great friend to his Phi Delt brothers, the Greek community at Michigan State, and those he interacted with on campus. Phi Delta Theta sends its deepest condolences to the Fraser family, the Michigan Beta Chapter, and all those who loved Brian as they mourn their loss.
Phi Delta Theta is in close communication with the leadership of the Michigan Beta Chapter to support them during this trying time. The Fraternity is working with Michigan State University to connect the chapter with local campus services and opportunities to appropriately celebrate Brian’s life.
Founded at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, on December 26, 1848, Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity has 194 chapters and emerging chapters and 85 alumni clubs across the United States and Canada. To date, the Fraternity has initiated nearly 280,000 men into the society whose founding principles are Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude. In 2000, Phi Delta Theta became the largest fraternity to implement an alcohol-free housing policy in all facilities. Guided today by its Phi Delt 2030 strategic plan, Phi Delta Theta’s vision is to be recognized as the premier fraternal leadership development society in North America.

Responding to Tragedy by Engaging in Brave Conversations
Fraternity Chaplain Michael Schulte shares a piece about how to engage in brave conversations following tragedy. Using Michael’s guidance in the post, we encourage all of our undergraduate leaders to take time to process what has transpired at Michigan State at their next chapter meeting.
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