In the Winter 2020 edition of The Scroll, Phi Delta Theta featured the People of Phi Delt 2030, a collection of stories that personify the strategic initiatives of the Fraternity’s new strategic plan.

Written by T. Scott Smith, Louisiana-Lafayette ’69
When asked what made me make my first donation to the Foundation way back in 1982, I replied that my motivation was not a what exactly but a why. Both my mother and my Fraternity taught me a simple truth: to do what ought to be done. I’ve made contributions to Phi Delta Theta over the years because our Fraternity enriched my life and, frankly, they needed my support.
On April 26, 2018 I received my Golden Legion lapel pin. Fifty years, WOW! The pride and honor I felt that evening reminded me of another early spring moment, March 16, 1968 the day Louisiana Gamma was granted its charter and my brothers and I signed The Bond of Phi Delta Theta and proudly wore the badge of Phi Delta Theta for the first time. Both those evenings strongly reminded me that this Fraternity is an indelible part of me and has impacted my life in so many wonderful ways.
Last January, I was invited to attend the 2019 Presidents Leadership Conference as a Fellow. The quality of the conference, the soundness of the strategies to make the Fraternity the best, and the quality of the young men who are leading their chapters was truly impressive. Returning home, it struck me that being impressed wasn’t enough and that I needed to do something more tangible.
Shortly thereafter I heard a preview of Phi Delt 2030 presented at a Houston alumni luncheon by COO Sean Wagner. SVP of Advancement Steve Bloomer then asked if I would consider being a lead donor to support the plan. Full well knowing that I would, Steve was given the job of convincing my wife, Elise, of the value that Phi Delta Theta adds to the lives of young college men. He did that successfully which led us to make our pledge official.
We chose to fund Phi Delt 2030 because we believe in wise investments. The work that Phi Delta Theta accomplishes on so many fronts is truly amazing. I strongly believe in the benefits of Greek life and Phi Delta Theta is at the top of the heap, in my humble opinion.
If you are thinking about it, take the step. You will have a great feeling of fulfillment.
If you haven’t thought about it, get back in the game . . . there are so many ways that your donation will be invested wisely.

Written by Andrew Cole, Phi Delta Theta Foundation Director of Advancement and Planned Gifts and Suzanne Alexander, LiveLikeLou Foundation Director
Funding is the how in Phi Delt 2030. With any strategic planning process there is a need for increased revenue, grants and donations, and ours is no different. The Phi Delta Theta Foundation serves a core mission to support the Fraternity in meeting its goals, while ensuring the legacy. Therefore, much of our work consists of communicating with generations of Phis about the vital education being delivered annually to guide 14,000 young men to become the greatest version of themselves.
These efforts come with a call to action: how can you make an impact on this next generation? The funding initiative is made up of various vessels that Phis can utilize to ensure their impact. Think about your impact in terms of a life span: there is every day support—the Phi Delt Fund; there is the type of support you make a few times throughout your life—a major gift; and then there is a consideration for how you’ll make an impact when you join the Chapter Grand—a planned gift. Because every Phi matters, all of these vessels matter.
Another impact area is through our partnership with the LiveLikeLou Foundation. In 2018 Phi Delta Theta teamed with the LiveLikeLou Foundation to end ALS with a goal of raising $4 million in 1,848 days. Phi Delta Theta strongly believes that philanthropy creates well-rounded individuals, so we encourage our chapters and alumni clubs to host events that raise money for research and supporting ALS families.
In addition to providing fundraising support through events and Iron Phi participation, Phis offer their time to support camps that benefit children with with families suffering from ALS and they also volunteer with ALS patients to help with household tasks and provide companionship. Through these relationships our students become better leaders and men.
Together we look to fund the future of Phi Delta Theta. And we ask you to consider where you fit in today, where you fit in five years from now, and where you fit in twenty years from now. These are the discussions that our advancement team has with Phis across the country every day. As you digest Phi Delt 2030, we ask you to consider where you will have your impact?