
Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation

Since 1974, the Canadian Foundation has awarded over $400,000 to more than 400 undergraduates across Canada, all thanks to the generosity of Phi Delt alumni living in Canada.

Canadian Foundation Awards

While awarding scholarships continues to be a priority, the Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation has broadened its focus and help recognize the cultivation of undergraduate leadership all across Canada. The mandate of the Canadian Foundation targets three core areas: education and scholarship, personal development and leadership, and developing and improving the foundations for personal growth.

J. Fred Green Award

J. Fred Green Award

The J. Fred Green Award is awarded annually to the Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation’s top-ranked scholarship recipient. The award was first granted in 1996 by the Canadian Foundation in recognition of Brother J. Fred Green’s long-standing contribution to the Canadian Fraternity.

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D. Grant Loree Leadership Award

D. Grant Loree Leadership Award

The D. Grant Loree Leadership Award is awarded annually to the Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation’s top-ranked leadership award recipient, in recognition of Brother Loree’s long-standing contribution and leadership to the Canadian Foundation.

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Leadership Awards

Leadership Awards

In recognition of the importance of cultivating leadership development in its mandate, the Canadian Foundation awarded its first leadership-focused awards in 2016. Leadership Awards are available to any undergraduate in good academic standing at a university where Phi Delta Theta has a Canadian chapter.

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Manitoba Alpha Leadership Awards

Manitoba Alpha Leadership Awards

The Canadian Foundation established the Manitoba Alpha Leadership Award in 2018, a restricted fund that recognizes leadership achievements by undergraduates attending the University of Manitoba.

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Undergraduate Achievement Scholarships (UAS)

The UAS was established in 2024 to celebrate the Canadian Foundation’s 50th Anniversary.  Any male or female entering first or second year undergraduate studies at a Canadian university where Phi Delta Theta has a chapter is welcomed to apply.

About The Awards

The Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation is pleased to give awards each year to undergraduates who demonstrate financial need and exemplary commitment to leadership, scholarship, their campus, and community.

Every Canadian chapter and emerging chapter can nominate one individual for each pathway below. While preference may be given to members of Phi Delta Theta, all students currently enrolled, as a full-time undergraduate, in a university where Phi Delta Theta has a chapter in Canada, will be considered. In this instance, non-initiated, eligible students may forego the nomination process and indicate their desire to apply for awards in either pathway directly to the Foundation.

The Academic Pathway

The Academic Pathway recognizes those undergraduates who have a well-rounded commitment to university, campus, or community involvement, as well as a strong emphasis on academic achievement. Financial need is also considered. The top academic award winner from across Canada each year is recognized as the J. Fred Green Award winner.

The Leadership Pathway

The Leadership Pathway recognizes those undergraduates who demonstrate their leadership abilities and achievements in the university, chapter, on campus, or in the community. Financial need is also considered. While academic proficiency is considered, scholastic excellence is not emphasized to the same degree as in the Academic Pathway. The top leadership award winner from across Canada each year is recognized as the D. Grant Loree Leadership Award winner.

Award Eligibility

Any undergraduate at a Canadian university where Phi Delta Theta has a chapter is eligible for Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation awards, and all that meet these requirements are highly encouraged to apply. Every Canadian chapter or emerging chapter can submit the name(s) of, at most, two nominees.

Individuals interested in the Undergraduate Achievement Scholarships (UAS) should refer to the UAS eligibility criteria.

  1. Must be a full-time undergraduate student currently enrolled in a Canadian university at which Phi Delta Theta has a chapter or emerging chapter.
  2. A nominee must, at the time of application, have at least one more term of full-time studies to complete before receiving a university recognized undergraduate degree. If the nominee is graduating later in the year for which they are applying, they are eligible.
  3. A chapter or emerging chapter may nominate a member, Phikeia, or a non-Phi that meets the nomination criteria.
  4. At most, for each chapter, one of these nominees may be nominated for consideration in the Leadership Pathway, and one for consideration in the Academic Pathway.
  5. Chapters must select their nominee(s) by no later than the deadline noted in the Call for Nomination notice that is sent to each chapter President and Scholarship Chairman early in the new year.
  6. The chapter president or scholarship chairman shall submit the completed nomination form to the Canadian Foundation by no later than the deadline noted in the call for nomination notice.
  7. Once nominated, the individual(s) apply for a Canadian Foundation award via a survey link supplied by the Foundation.

Note: Non-Phis may contact the Canadian Foundation directly for information on how to apply for an award.

Applicant Requirements

Details will be provided to each nominee and applicant, and include:

  • University academic transcript
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Listing of extra-curricular involvement in campus, community organizations (including Greek-letter societies), sports teams, and philanthropic endeavors
  • A personal statement on why they are applying
  • A photo (suitable for publication, if granted an award)

Award Announcements

Awards will be announced during the Foundation’s national awards broadcast on YouTube in the spring.

Undergraduate Achievement Scholarship (UAS)

The UAS is intended for male or female students who have recently graduated from high school or community college – or who have completed their first year of university – and who will be attending a university where Phi Delta Theta has a Canadian chapter.  Members of Phi Delta Theta re not eligible to apply.  Applicants must have a solid academic record, be involved in extra-curricular activities on campus and in the community, and have a desire to acquire leadership skills. Learn more.

View Our Award Recipients

Awards History

Since 1974, the Canadian Foundation has awarded over $400,000 to more than 400 undergraduates across Canada, all thanks to the generosity of Phi Delt alumni living in Canada.

Support the Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation

Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation

99 Powseland Crescent
Woodbridge, ON L4L 0C5

Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charity
CRA Reg. #:119219624RR0001


The Phi Delta Theta Canadian Foundation is run by a dedicated group of volunteer board members.
All scholarships and programs offered are made possible by tax-deductible contributions.